
A simple template engine used in the http://greatcodeclub.com/

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Sample Template Engine

A project of The Great Code Club.

Simple template engine that can parse, compile and render to HTML.


Here's what it looks like.

html {
  head {
    // {...} are optional if next to tag name
    title "My App"
  body {
    h1 "My App"
    section {
      // Text nodes in quotes
      "This is cool"

      // Statements
      {% for(var i = 0; i < 3; i++) { %}

        // Expressions (output value)
        p {{ i }}

      {% } %}


You need:

  • A recent version of node.
  • make. You probably have it already.

To install Node modules and compile the parser:

$ npm install
$ make


To compile a template file to HTML:

$ bin/compile samples/index.tmpl

Using the API:

var engine = require('./lib/engine'),
    compiledTemplate = engine.compile('html {{ variable }}')

// compiledTemplate is a function that will return the HTML
console.log(compiledTemplate({ variable: 'woohoo!' }))
// => <html>woohoo!</html>

Running the tests

To run the tests:

$ make test

Or to run the tests on file change:

$ make watch


Copyright 2014 Coded Inc.

You are free to modify and distribute this however you want. Except for teaching purposes.