JavaScript Fix this


  1. Practice using this
  2. Practice changing a function's context
  3. Practice writing modular code


In this lab, we're going to put your knowledge of this, call, apply, and bind to the test while we make some tasty treats in a virtual bakery.

You'll have to fix some problems with the existing code (there may be some bugs!) and add some new code of your own to get the tests passing and get those desserts made!

cake make


We want to get our bakery up and running, but there are problems with making sure that the right things are getting baked the right way.

If you run index.html in your browser and click either of the "make" links, it should go through all the right steps to make the right dessert, and update the status for each step as it goes.

Right now, all our baking functions are mixed up and can't figure out their this. We've got some work to do before we can open our bakery.

  • Inside the makePie function, "borrow" the decorate function from cake and make it available to pie through pie.decorate() so it can be executed later.

  • For the bake, mix, and cool functions, make sure that the function for the next step is being called with the correct context, and that the proper updateFunction is being called to update the status. You'll need to use call inside these functions to get the tests to pass. Hint: Remember that the function argument to setTimeout also needs to be bound to the proper context! Think about using arrow functions with your setTimeout calls.

  • Write your own code for the makeDessert function that will decide based on which link was clicked whether to makePie or makeCake. Hint: You shouldn't need to alter the code in the document.addEventListener block, but remember that events also set this when they are triggered from the DOM.

  • Create a version of updateStatus inside of makePie and makeCake with a correct this context, representing either the pie or cake <div> respectively, that you can pass around to the other functions so that each one can execute it and ensure that the right DOM elements are getting updated at each step. You shouldn't need to change updateStatus at all.

  • There's also some bugs in the code, so make sure the tests are passing and run the page to see it in action and make sure it works! Some tests already pass. Part of your job is to make sure they still pass at the end!

Each step of the way, you should be using what you know about call, bind, and apply to make each function set the context for the next function.
