Draw a route with a dynamic variable
Use a routes variable in params within the logic of an action
Assign an instance variable in a controller action
Use a controller instance variable to generate a dynamic ERB template.
Build a classical show action/view
There are three RSpec/Capybara specs in this lesson, you can find them in spec/features/student_spec.rb
. Make sure they pass without breaking the other tests. To complete this section, all specs should pass.
In this lab you will work through the full MVC pattern by building a student management app for The Flatiron School, at a high level you will integrate the following scenario in your application:
The user is able to go to
to receive information on the student with the id of2
The application should render the values from the
record in the database
Make sure that you use a route variable for the
request path -
If you google around and discover generators/scaffolds don't use them for this lab
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