
Application Boilerplate for Edge Front End Projects


Application Boilerplate for Edge Front End Projects

EdgePlate Project Structure

  • dist directory dedicated to storing the distributed version of application
  • src all application, server, grunt tasks and web services source
    • src/app application source
      • src/app/images application images
      • src/app/lib bower managed dependencies
      • src/app/scripts application javascript
        • src/app/scripts/controllers angularjs controllers
        • src/app/scripts/directives angularjs directives
        • src/app/scripts/filters angularjs filters
        • src/app/scripts/services angularjs services
        • src/app/scripts/app.js pimary javascript
      • src/app/styles application scss and css
        • src/app/styles/directive scss for directive templates
        • src/app/styles/fonts local font dependencies
        • src/app/styles/images css image dependencies
        • src/app/styles/layout scss for base layout templates
        • src/app/styles/layout scss for page templates
        • src/app/styles/tmpl scss for misc partial templates
        • src/app/styles/_mixins.scss local mixins
        • src/app/styles/_styles.scss global styles
        • src/app/styles/_variables.scss bootstrap variable overrides
        • src/app/styles/app.scss main stylesheet which brings in all style dependencies
      • src/app/views angularjs view and jade templates
        • src/app/views/directive angularjs directive templates
        • src/app/views/layout base layout templates
        • src/app/views/page page templates
        • src/app/views/tmpl misc partial templates
      • src/app/.bowerrc bower component configuration
      • src/app/component.json bower component configuration
      • src/app/index.jade application index file
    • src/grunt-tasks custom grunt tasks
    • src/server express server configuration
      • src/server/routes application routes
        • src/server/routes/index.js main routes
      • src/server/common.js common express configuration used by both grunt and standalone
      • src/server/grunt.js grunt specific express configuration
      • src/server/grunt.js standalone specific express configuration
    • src/services node services available to application
  • test end-to-end and unit tests
  • .editorconfig editorconfig settings
  • .jshintrc jshint settings
  • Gruntfile.js grunt configurations
  • package.json npm application and development dependencies
  • README.md overly complex file detailing project, see self

Local Structure Not Part of Git Repository

  • .tmp used to store files temporarily during server and build tasks
  • .sass-cache used by compass task
  • node_modules home of all npm dependencies in package.json


Project Templates

  • app.js and related angularjs javascript setup
  • index.jade and related templates
  • express server configuration
  • application routes

Grunt Tasks

  • custom grunt server task(s)
  • custom grunt build task(s)
  • watch task config
  • open task config
  • clean task config
  • mocha task config
  • coffee task config
  • uglify task config
  • useminPrepare task config
  • usemin task config
  • imagemin task config
  • cssmin task config
  • htmlmin||ngmin task config
  • jade task config
  • copy task config