I was unable to locate the newest emoji icons both saved at a high resolution and with unicode file names so I dedicated a big chunk of hours to pull them together.
The original image sources were taken from emoji-extractor. Though I don't know how useful it would have been in the grand scheme of things, I didn't take the time to map the source file names to their unicode name replacements.
I'm sure someone at some point will be looking for emoji icons with unicode file name, my hope is they will find this repository!
UPDATE: Useful info on this icon provided in issue #1. Thank you to @rborn!
There remains a single image from the emoji-extractor repository I was unable to find a unicode equivalent of. I've looked a number of times at the special characters list in Mountain Lion and the emoji font menus on iOS and fail to see it.
If you happen to know anything about this image, please let me know so I can update it.