
Simple demo with data + an expectation suite

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

ge_demo repo - FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY, this is UNSUPPORTED for public use

A small demo using NYC taxi data. Experimental, the GE core team uses this to test out things. No guarantee that this actually works consistently. The full demo-able and maintained webinar material is in the superconductive/ge_tutorials repo.

The postgres database actually lives in the superconductive/ge_tutorials repo in the getting started tutorial. You can run the docker container with that PG database and add the creds to run the expectations and checkpoints configured here. Or just use the getting_started tutorial repo content itself.

Set up

  1. Get credentials for the RDS instance.
  2. Add these to your great_expectations configuration.
  3. To run the pipeline, also set these two environment variables:
  4. Verify your Great Expectations install with great_expectations suite list

Run the "pipeline"

  1. psql -h $DEMO_HOST -d demo -U $DEMO_USER -f location_frequency.sql
  2. You should see output like
    SELECT 10000
    SELECT 28