PetList Test

These are a few features of the 'Search Page' on our site.
To view how the search page acts go to We will be pseudo implementing some of the features.


You will be implementing a basic search page for the DogVacay site. To do this you may use either, Backbone.js, React.js, or roll your own implementation with plain vanilla Javascript. Feel free to add in any npm modules or libraries to help you, such as JQuery. We've created a started app in the included folders, that you can use to get started.

You can write it in ES5 or ES6, whichever you feel more comfortable with. (There is no need to go out of your comfort zone, just try to write good clean code.)

Don't worry about the Test files, those are only there to make sure the base of the project works, and nothing to do with the code you will be writing.


We are trying to get a sense of your day to day skills, and ability to write production ready code.

Treat this as a small project you would be assigned and need to complete for an actual job. If you haven't used React much, don't try to learn it now, use something you are more comfortable with. We are not looking for people who know a particular framework.

You should spend only a few hours on this, and no more than about 4 hours. Don't take this is as a hard deadline, its more of a suggestion on our part. If you need a little extra time take it, but don't feel you need to spend several days on this.

Data Endpoints

The endpoints below will return the exact same data payload as shown below. We just want you to interact with the different endpoints. So the response that is returned by http://localhost:3000/static/search.json will be the same as http://localhost:3000/static/search.json?service=boarding and http://localhost:3000/static/search.json?service=sitting

Individual Endpoints


User Stories

GIVEN: A user comes to a search page
WHEN: The user views the page
THEN: They will see a list of results containing:

  • A Title
    • With URL link to individual page.
  • First Name with Last Initial
  • Pet Name
  • Description

These are the rules for each field:

  • Url
  • created from the title field
  • dashes for spaces
  • Only alpha numeric characters, underscore and dashes
  • no double dashses
  • i.e:
    • one two three => one-two-three
    • one two three => one-two-three
    • one--two-three => one-two-three
    • Title: My Title => URL: my-title
    • Title: John's Dog Sitting => URL: johns-dog-sitting
  • First Name with Last Initial
    • Capitalize the first character of the first name and last name
    • i.e.
      • seth broomer => Seth B.
  • Description
    • At 48 characters and above we want to show ellipses
    • If the 48th character is in the middle of a word then we want to not show that word.
    • ie:
      • word1 description1 word2 description2 word3 description3 word4 description4 => word1 description1 word2 description2 word3...

Use http://localhost:3000/static/search.json API

GIVEN: A user comes to a search page
WHEN: The user clicks on the boarding filter
THEN: Then they will see the results from the search.json with the service=boarding specified.
(Use http://localhost:3000/static/search.json?service=boarding API)

GIVEN: A user comes to a search page
WHEN: The user clicks on the sitting filter
THEN: Then they will see the results from the search.json with the service=sitting specified.
(Use http://localhost:3000/static/search.json?service=sitting API)

GIVEN: A user comes to a search page
WHEN: The user clicks on the result title
THEN: A new tab will pop up navigating to the results url (no page will be displayed, we just need to see the url working)

Example page


You will need Node installed on your machine. Once installed in your terminal, cd to the project directory and run npm install.

Once your dependencies are installed, you can run the command npm run dev. And you are ready to start coding.


Do whatever you feel you need to get this done or finished. (Feel free to google if you need to!) But if you have any questions about the test itself or what you need to do feel free to email Seth Broomer


Feel free to create a github repository and send us the link (encouraged!) or if you're more comfortable, feel free to just send us a zip file with your code their.