
A website where users can build and find their favorite routes for completing in Mythic Plus dungeons in World of Warcraft: Shadowlands

Primary LanguagePHP

About Keystone.guru

Keystone.guru is a website where users can build and find their favorite routes for completing in Mythic Plus in World of Warcraft®: Battle for Azeroth™. This repository contains the source code of (most parts of) the website. It is built with Laravel using jQuery, PHP and MySql. It uses a ton of other libraries such as Leaflet for map displaying, Puppeteer for thumbnail generation, REDIS for cache, Laravel Echo Server for real-time communication and much, much more.

The website is free to use, now and forever. You may support the creation of this website by becoming a Patron on Patreon.


  • Full interactive Leaflet map of all Battle for Azeroth™ dungeons
  • All known enemies and patrols inside dungeons (updated to 8.3)
  • Enemy forces of all different NPCs in both normal and Teeming weeks
  • Easily import your Mythic Dungeon Tools strings and convert them to a Keystone.guru route
  • Route planning functions such as
    • Plotting a path through the dungeon, allowing a route to split up should the need arise
    • Free-drawing of lines
    • Easy creation of pulls of which enemies to kill and optionally where
      • Manage your pull colors by applying a custom gradient
    • Various icons with optional comments to indicate difficult enemies, strategies to use or abilities to use
    • Publish your planned route whenever you're ready to share it
    • Attach attributes to your route to give an indication of difficulty (death/invisibility skips or classes required)
  • Collaboration with your group members through Teams
    • Attach routes to a Team for easy sharing with your group members
    • View/edit routes in real-time Google Docs-style, synchronizing your changes to all other viewers or editors
    • Permission management for who can view or edit routes attached to your team
  • User voting; increase visibility of your favorite routes
  • Favorite routes you liked best for easy reference later on
  • Search function for looking up routes others have made
    • Search by dungeon, affixes, attributes and/or favorite state
    • Full sorting by dungeon, affixes, author, views and ratings
    • Multiple route listing display modes to suit your needs
  • An up-to-date overview of upcoming affixes and their time based on your region
  • When not registered, you are free to view any routes found in the search function, or when directly linked by others
    • Sandbox mode available in which you can try out your route/the website with no strings attached
  • Log in through Google, Discord or Battle.net if you don't want to register

Patreon features

  • Create animated lines on the map
  • Create private routes
  • No ads

Not included in this repository

  • Map tiles of all dungeons
  • Software used for creating said map tiles (self-made)


Contribution can be done in a lot of ways in this project! If you got programming or artist skills and wish to contribute, I could use help! Please raise an issue here or send me a dm on Discord (Wotuu#1937) so I can help you get started on something cool!

Security Vulnerabilities

Any security vulnerabilities should be reported directly to myself on Discord (Wotuu#1937) or an e-mail to security@keystone.guru. It is greatly appreciated if you do this prior to mentioning the vulnerability in public.

If you found a security vulnerability, do not abuse the vulnerability for more than is reasonably necessary to confirm the issue exists.


At this time this project has no license attached to it while I explore the options of licensing. If you have any suggestions for a fitting license don't hesitate to raise an issue.


Found an issue? Want to leave some feedback? Can't figure something out? Please drop by on Discord, open an issue on GitHub or send an e-mail to support@keystone.guru.


World of Warcraft, Warcraft and Blizzard Entertainment are trademarks or registered trademarks of Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries. This repository/website is not affiliated with Blizzard Entertainment.