
Various software built on various platforms.

Prebuilt binaries

Prebuilt binaries on different platforms of various products.

Update: Binary files are versioned using Large File System (LFS). Therefore, the [GitHub.Git-LFS]: Git Large File Storage extension is required for any Git operation (clone) to work properly. Regular download (from Web browser) is not impacted.


  • They are not present in the official repositories

  • Some might be customized

  • If someone needs:

    1. Another (newer) version of an existing software
    2. A brand new software

    ping me (here, [StackOverflow]: CristiFati, [LinkedIn]: Cristi Fati, ... ), and I'll try to add it. Note that it might / will take a while (especially for the 2nd item), and in some cases (when too much work / research is needed), it migt not even get materialized

  • If someone spots a problem in an existing software, please let me know so I can remediate it ASAP (or remove the faulty piece)


Under no circumstances, I (the entity that built the software in this repository) should be held responsible for any:

  • Damage or loss that may appear because the software use
  • License terms violation. Anyone who uses the software is responsible for consulting (and complying with) the license terms. If something isn't clear, the software vendor should be contacted, before using the software

For software that I customly built (e.g. .zip files), I included the license file(s) (e.g. LICENSE*, README*, COPYING*, ...) of the software itself (and in some cases of any additional software that it uses) in the package.
But for some software that automatically generates the build artefacts (e.g. .whl files), and doesn't include the license file(s), in order to avoid modifying the build process, I didn't. Instead, I uploaded the files next to the artefacts, so they are easily accessible.


Win specific (generics that apply unless otherwise specified):

  • Archive (.zip) packages should typically be unpacked in:
    • "%ProgramFiles%"
    • "%ProgramFiles(x86)%" for 32bit binaries on 64bit OS (which is equivalent to %ProgramFiles% in 32bit processes)
  • Files in the archive are organized in a folder structure ${VENDOR}/${SOFTWARE}/${VERSION}/.... Often, ${VENDOR} and ${SOFTWARE} are the same
    • The bin directory of such an "installation" could be added to %PATH% for convenience
  • MS UCRT (Universal C RunTime (from Visual Studio 2015 or newer)) is used for builds