
Examples on how to validate with Azure Resource Manager REST API's

Primary LanguageC#


Dan Grecoe is a Microsoft Employee

Examples on how to validate with Azure Resource Manager (Python/.NET Core) and Azure Partner Portal and Azure Active Directory (.NET Core) REST API's

The main goal of this example is to show how to obtain a bearer token to perform tasks with different Auzre Services.


The python example (testapp.py and ./microsoft/) contain the python source to work with the Azure Management service with an example on how to work with Azure Key Vault to provide an Azure Active Directory user/group GET access to the vault secrets.

Obtain token using the Azure CLI logged in user.

This uses the azure.identity package (which is why you need a conda environment) to obtain the currently logged in user and obtain a token from there.


Obtain token using a service principal

This uses a rest call to the management layer in Azure to obtain a token for a given service principal.

You have to identify the principal in the confugration.json file and set the usePrincipal flag to true.


.NET Core

Under the NETCore/ folder is an example of obtaining a service token for the following services.

Unlike with Python, it is not extended to provide any real working example, just how to obtain the token itself.

  • Azure Management
  • Azure Active Directory
  • Microsoft Partner Portal