
This is a crawler of 知軒藏書(http://www.zxcs8.com)

Primary LanguagePython


This is a crawler of 知軒藏書


Tags in zxcs8 site have been changed. Some old tags are no longer available It will be fix in the recent update


  • Create different category shelves from the site
  • Create custom shelf
  • Retrieve information of all books from the category
  • Using scores of books from the site as filter and download books
  • Search books by words
  • Save the shelf and book data as json
  • Use gevent to crawl synchronously
  • Logging
  • Sorting
  • Download top books by sorted overall ranking
  • Auto extract rar files
  • Detect txt encoding and convert to Traditional Chinese in UTF-8


There are five voting level, each level is given an score accordingly:

Excellent(仙草):2, Good(糧草):1, Fair(乾草):0, Poor(枯草):-1, Bad(毒草): -2

  • Excellent: sorted by number of excellent votes

  • Bad: sorted by number of bad votes

  • Ratio: sorted by number of excellent and good votes divided by poor and bad votes

    If poor and bad votes are zero, the ratio is -1

  • Votes: sorted by number of votes

  • Score: sorted by total score

  • Overall: sorted by average score + popular score

    Average score: total score divided by total votes

    Popular score: log1000(total votes)


  • Update per period (maybe per month)