- 1
- 1
AndroidJavaException NoSuchFieldError "forceBringToFront"
#1121 opened by Enormus - 3
Error when using WebGL in Android build
#1120 opened by MoJaeCheol - 4
- 7
How does one turn the webview to portrait mode?
#1117 opened by lionslmao - 1
How do I change the Webview rotation?
#1083 opened by Daekyo-Jeong - 14
Clicks not registering in Unity
#1115 opened by Volko76 - 6
Raycasting on Unity Button through Webview [Android]
#1116 opened by SadevK95 - 3
- 1
CUnityPlayer and Unity 6
#1110 opened by justin-tsai - 10
Adding Uri exclusion list for making some redirect URI to be considered as Universal Links
#1111 opened by b-phygtl - 3
- 1
WebGL app in a web view
#1109 opened by MarinaGorbacheva - 2
Keep webview alive as a backgroud proccess
#1104 opened by CDAfonso - 2
#1105 opened by heroz-iwamoto - 1
- 1
Can I place elements on top of webView
#1103 opened by savic1111 - 2
Get "Undefined" when trying to find element шт
#1102 opened by savic1111 - 6
iOS crashes on Destroy - EXC_BAD_ACCESS when calling [webViewPlugin dispose]
#1097 opened by jonobarel-slatescience - 2 cannot be called for the second web view object created on iOS.
#1101 opened by ParkEunSeong - 1
Is it possible to pause unity while webview is open in android?
#1100 opened by SurajBakawatTalentica - 6
NullPointerException in Java code when calling webViewObject.GetCookies
#1094 opened by jonobarel-slatescience - 2
Google Login Not Working
#1091 opened by splamei - 5
[iOS][MacOS]Cookies Callback not invoked when calling Getcookies
#1090 opened by jonobarel-slatescience - 1
[Solved] ClassNotFoundException when adding CUnityPlayerActivity to plugin
#1089 opened by jonobarel-slatescience - 4
- 1
Adding custom button on top of the webview
#1087 opened by EmilGlz - 1
How to change the code so that you can open sms links
#1086 opened by nicknaz - 1
If the image among the elements included in the https link is http, it does not load properly.
#1084 opened by Daekyo-Jeong - 6
Not being able to have any UI interaction when the webview is open on IOS
#1074 opened by SIFOR-GAMES - 4
cannot find symbol unityplayeractivity while building WebViewPlugin-*.aar.tmpl
#1080 opened by b-phygtl - 7
Unity sound not working after close webview.
#1079 opened by Changsoo-UTop - 6
Can't load local image in html string when load web view using webVIewObject.LoadHTML(htmlString)
#1078 opened by sarvjeet-talentica - 4
How about use "bottom" instead of "height" for AdjustBottomMargin, Android?
#1075 opened by WolfgangKurz - 0
- 5
Crash Error - [base.apk!] - Render process crash wasn't handled by all associated webviews
#1073 opened by josemgmz - 3
Unity Call from JS not working on iOS anymore (SOLVED)
#1072 opened by CDAfonso - 3
AdMob Banner hides behind the app
#1071 opened by saqibhayatmalik - 4
Duplicate class error
#1070 opened by GuangWeiToo - 7
A duplicate WebView window is displayed at the bottom left of the screen in macOS.
#1066 opened by yogi-chaturvedi - 1
Webview content is slightly blured comparative to actual web browser like chrome/safari
#1068 opened by yogi-chaturvedi - 1
webgl load - unload Scene produces error
#1065 opened by nitroman123 - 13
Webview not rendering correctly on macOS or editor unless using separate window
#1059 opened by jamesrp13 - 3
requestAnimationFrame, Animation, Transition throttled in macOS (editor and standalone both)
#1057 opened by WolfgangKurz - 1
#1060 opened by omochi0619 - 4
How can I add a button for scrolling the page?
#1058 opened by nitingit7 - 8
Unity webview deal with 404 error
#1054 opened by SulemanMox - 1
for Mac, WebView plugin has bug
#1055 opened by WolfgangKurz - 2
-1 net::ERR_CACHE_MISS on page loading
#1053 opened by Camper-code - 1
Unity is not defined when call onclick="'onclick')"; in webgl build
#1050 opened by SachinTichkule