
Helm-as-a-Service ☸️

Primary LanguagePython


Haas is a German surname derived from the name of the mammal hare.
image belongs to Lily Seika Jones from designyoutrust.com

haas stands for Helm-as-a-Service

kubernetes is nice. helm is nice. argoproj is nice.

But I thought it'd be simple to have a REST API which does what helm does via CLI. It is just a FastAPI server wrapping a helm3 binary.

API Documentation and examples,

add repo

Name HTTP Action Description Parameters type
/repo/add POST add a chart repository json


Name Description Optional
name name of the chart repository to be stored locally required
url url to the chart repository/museum required

example usage:

curl -d '{"name":"bitnami", "url":"https://charts.bitnami.com/bitnami"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST http://localhost:5000/repo/add | jq

CLI equivalent:

helm repo add bitnami https://charts.bitnami.com/bitnami

remove repo

Name HTTP Action Description Parameters type
/repo/remove POST remove a chart repository json


Name Description Optional
name name of the chart repository required

example usage:

curl -d '{"name":"bitnami"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST http://localhost:5000/repo/remove | jq

CLI equivalent:

helm repo remove bitnami

install release from chart

Name HTTP Action Description Parameters type
/chart/install POST install a chart archive to create a release json


Name Description Optional
name name of the release required
chart_name name of the chart from repository required

example usage:

curl -d '{"name":"redis-local", "chart_name":"bitnami/redis"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST http://localhost:5000/chart/install | jq

CLI equivalent:

helm install redis-local bitnami/redis

upgrade release from chart

Name HTTP Action Description Parameters type
/chart/upgrade POST upgrade release to a new version of chart json


Name Description Optional
name name of the release required
chart_name name of the chart from repository required

example usage:

curl -d '{"name":"redis-local", "chart_name":"bitnami/redis"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST http://localhost:5000/chart/upgrade | jq

CLI equivalent:

helm upgrade redis-local bitnami/redis

unintsall release

Name HTTP Action Description Parameters type
/chart/uninstall POST uninstall a release json


Name Description Optional
name name of the release required

example usage:

curl -d '{"name":"redis-local"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST http://localhost:5000/chart/uninstall | jq

CLI equivalent:

helm uninstall redis-local

rollback release

Name HTTP Action Description Parameters type
/chart/rollback POST rollback the release to the previous version json


Name Description Optional
name name of the release required

example usage:

curl -d '{"name":"redis-local"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST http://localhost:5000/chart/rollback | jq

CLI equivalent:

helm rollback redis-local

About this project

This project is inspired mostly from other repositories which solve the same problem (of deploying pods using helm but over REST):


  • Dockerfile and image for this service
  • setup kubectl in Dockerfile
  • setup k8s cluster pointing via kubeconfig in Dockerfile
  • setup helm in Dockerfile
  • ingress via nginx to open up the deployments to public
  • soft restart rollout gracefully for stateless deployments
  • namespace support
  • other ways of installing charts (from index.yaml url)
  • install/upgrade overides with --values flag and json parameter
  • maybe helmfile support too in the future.