
Logging into VIT Wifi using python script and your credentials

Primary LanguagePython

WiFi Login

Log onto VIT Wifi using python script and your credentials

Dependencies required

Set up Instructions

i. Incase you don't have requests module, open terminal or command prompt and type.

pip install requests

ii. Replace the following in login.py

    '16BCB0088' with your username.

    'NoWayThisIsMyPwd6969' with your password.

iii. Run the script login.py using IDLE or via terminal python3 login.py in linux / macOS machine or via command prompt on a Windows machine.

Run the iii step every time you want to login.


  1. Assumes your laptop is connected to either VIT5G or VIT2.4G
  2. Assumes you have python3 installed and have pip3 or pip and requests.