
learn from zero to hero
string str---
< strchr(string, char)
< strcpy(string, string)
< strcmp(a, b)
< strcat(a, b)
< sprintf(string, "%d%d",a ,b)
< strlen(string)
< scanf("%s", str) this indicate the address of str and that must be an array of char
< strrchr(str, char) from end to begin, find whether there is a char of the string meet the char we input

the space and sth will not be readed if you use the scanf ,otherwise , the only method to have it is using getchar()
this is a function , you can use it like
int c;
c= getchar();
to judge whether it ends, using != EOF
while((c = getchar())!=EOF)
Graduate entrance exam!
while(scanf("%d %d %d", &a, &b ,&c) == 3) 注意能用到全局变量的话就不用指针
sort(a, a+n, method)
lower_bound(a, a+n , x) - a
vector a[maxn]
树 高度k --> 结点总数pow(2,k) - 1, 叶子节点pow(2, k-1)
设标号为i, 左节点 2i, 右节点2i+1
二进制计算 计算一个整数有几个1 (二进制表示) n = n& (n-1) 当n== 0退出循环 每次计算就是少了一个1,这样的题是让你计算一个数补码中的一的个数,完全没必要把每个补码计算出来统计一的个数,位运算是个神奇的计算方式 相想如果计算0的个数,n>>1 | 0 为0 则是0,同样 n>>1 & 1为1则是1