

getting start

npm install

file structure

  • src/*: all source code
  • app.js: entrance of the Weex page
  • build/*: some build scripts
  • dist/*: where places generated code
  • assets/*: some assets for Web preview
  • index.html: a page with Web preview and qrcode of Weex js bundle
  • weex.html: Web render
  • .babelrc: babel config (preset-2015 by default)
  • .eslintrc: eslint config (standard by default)

npm scripts

# build both two js bundles for Weex and Web
npm run build

# build the two js bundles and watch file changes
npm run dev

# start a Web server at 8080 port
npm run serve

# start weex-devtool for debugging with native
npm run debug


You can config more babel, ESLint and PostCSS plugins in webpack.config.js.

  • 我的 √
  • 个人主页 √
    • 用户名
    • 头像
    • 全部歌单
  • 歌单详情
    • 名称/简介
    • 创建者
    • 全部歌曲
  • 歌手页
    • 头像/名字/简介
    • 全部歌曲
    • 热门歌曲
    • 热门专辑
  • 专辑页
    • 类似于歌单详情