
Telegram bot for generating passwords

Primary LanguageGo

Password Generator

Telegram bot that generates a password according to certain patterns


  • Easy to remember password
  • Each service has a different password
  • Difficulty of cracking a password
  • If someone found out your password from service1, they never found out your password from service2


User information to create a password

  • secret key
  • secret number
  • registration service

Password generation algorithm

  • the password looks like: service_secret-key_nums[3]
  • service: the first and last letter of the service on which registration takes place
  • secret key: your keyword
  • secret number: any 4 digits
  • nums:
    1. take the first and last letters from the name of the service
    2. replace them with numbers that corresponded to them in the push-button layout of the phone
    3. take the last digit so that the sum of these 3 digits is equal to 9, and if this is impossible, then 19
    4. the resulting 3 digits are converted to a three-digit number
    5. the first two digits of the secret number are taken, the second two digits of the secret number are added.
    6. numbers from 4 and 5 points are added


  • service: github
  • secret key: secret
  • secret number: 1234
  • generated password: Gb_secret_469
  1. First letter: G; Last letter: B
  2. G = num1 = 4; B = num2 = 2
  3. num1 + num2 = 4 + 2 = 6 => num3 = 9 - 6 = 3
  4. num1 = 4, num2 = 2, num3 = 3 => 423
  5. 1234 <=> 12 + 34 = 46
  6. 423 + 46 = 469


A refactor is needed for the main file.


App Screenshot