
Kafka fake data producer and consumer in python

Primary LanguagePython

Kafka fake data producer and consumer in python

Example how to produce fake massages into kafka topic.


If you don't have kafka server yet use install-kafka.sh script under scripts path.


Script download kafka server and create local KAFKA_HOME variable, under .env file.



Open new terminal under scripts path, run shell script and do not stop script.


Same for kafka server:


Once either zookeeper and kafka server is up and running. It is possible to produce messages and consume messages.




(venv) ➜  scripts ./run-producer.sh 
20-03-2021 13:10:12: {'id': 925986450141, 'name': 'Melissa Arroyo', 'date': '2008-12-16T14:19:13', 'address': '18393 Evans Loaf South Cathyview, CA 31555', 'startGate': 'Lake Derrick', 'exitGate': 'New Linda', 'price': {'net': 13, 'taxPercentage': 12, 'total': 14.56}}
20-03-2021 13:10:15: {'id': 680313917348, 'name': 'Mr. Todd Cain', 'date': '2020-12-19T14:45:05', 'address': '5025 Brian Groves Apt. 525 Sharpburgh, TX 30168', 'startGate': 'Youngbury', 'exitGate': 'Lewishaven', 'price': {'net': 11, 'taxPercentage': 12, 'total': 12.32}}
20-03-2021 13:10:15: {'id': 161040876785, 'name': 'Emily Elliott', 'date': '2004-03-24T02:10:12', 'address': '401 Lane Spring Brownstad, DC 48250', 'startGate': 'Onealhaven', 'exitGate': 'East Erinborough', 'price': {'net': 14, 'taxPercentage': 12, 'total': 15.68}}
20-03-2021 13:10:17: {'id': 984247320856, 'name': 'Ronald Thomas', 'date': '2006-05-03T01:15:07', 'address': 'Unit 0203 Box 8507 DPO AA 17868', 'startGate': 'Harmonland', 'exitGate': 'New Richard', 'price': {'net': 10, 'taxPercentage': 12, 'total': 11.2}}
20-03-2021 13:10:19: {'id': 887133430421, 'name': 'Heather Jordan', 'date': '2020-03-09T03:58:30', 'address': '169 Hatfield Loop Suite 881 New Christinachester, MN 15999', 'startGate': 'New Peter', 'exitGate': 'Grossshire', 'price': {'net': 6, 'taxPercentage': 12, 'total': 6.72}}
20-03-2021 13:10:21: {'id': 453323447158, 'name': 'Melissa Pope', 'date': '2011-06-11T06:56:36', 'address': '404 Daniels Run Apt. 654 Amyburgh, NM 85246', 'startGate': 'West Tylerbury', 'exitGate': 'Jamesville', 'price': {'net': 9, 'taxPercentage': 12, 'total': 10.08}}
20-03-2021 13:10:23: {'id': 583159808644, 'name': 'Aaron Morton', 'date': '2010-12-05T12:03:12', 'address': '28465 Jones Rue Suite 398 East Kevinland, AR 50399', 'startGate': 'Williamside', 'exitGate': 'Ericborough', 'price': {'net': 3, 'taxPercentage': 12, 'total': 3.36}}
20-03-2021 13:10:26: {'id': 413921923894, 'name': 'Victoria Robles', 'date': '2016-05-30T05:09:28', 'address': '61987 Nathaniel Court Suite 070 New Danielle, WA 93192', 'startGate': 'West James', 'exitGate': 'Parsonstown', 'price': {'net': 10, 'taxPercentage': 12, 'total': 11.2}}
20-03-2021 13:10:26: {'id': 748822493921, 'name': 'Robert Little', 'date': '2020-10-21T05:50:25', 'address': '8686 Hoover Vista Natashahaven, TN 39885', 'startGate': 'Lake Brandon', 'exitGate': 'Wileyland', 'price': {'net': 7, 'taxPercentage': 12, 'total': 7.84}}
20-03-2021 13:10:28: {'id': 29328782314, 'name': 'Mary Johnson', 'date': '2002-04-07T06:27:22', 'address': '1247 Jones Tunnel Annchester, NH 24639', 'startGate': 'Lopezville', 'exitGate': 'New Mitchell', 'price': {'net': 9, 'taxPercentage': 12, 'total': 10.08}}
20-03-2021 13:10:28: {'id': 725452978099, 'name': 'Charles Keller', 'date': '2007-08-21T03:11:36', 'address': '27421 Tricia Valley Emmamouth, IN 68727', 'startGate': 'Whitneyberg', 'exitGate': 'New Rachel', 'price': {'net': 14, 'taxPercentage': 12, 'total': 15.68}}
20-03-2021 13:10:29: {'id': 895662165044, 'name': 'Joshua Jimenez', 'date': '2012-02-15T14:31:46', 'address': '8479 Martinez Courts Apt. 537 Richardfort, ID 11088', 'startGate': 'Mitchellburgh', 'exitGate': 'North Christopherstad', 'price': {'net': 9, 'taxPercentage': 12, 'total': 10.08}}
20-03-2021 13:10:30: {'id': 352567971260, 'name': 'Meghan Thomas', 'date': '2020-05-04T17:38:32', 'address': '65890 Kristy Union Jeremiahstad, NY 81311', 'startGate': 'Munozport', 'exitGate': 'Choishire', 'price': {'net': 3, 'taxPercentage': 12, 'total': 3.36}}
20-03-2021 13:10:31: {'id': 151887806225, 'name': 'Bianca Wade', 'date': '2019-05-29T14:31:32', 'address': '2116 Morrow Keys Suite 365 South Nicolechester, NE 89115', 'startGate': 'Joshuaside', 'exitGate': 'South Jeffrey', 'price': {'net': 9, 'taxPercentage': 12, 'total': 10.08}}
20-03-2021 13:10:34: {'id': 690543850754, 'name': 'Alvin Cole', 'date': '2004-12-01T06:40:48', 'address': '797 Kathy Rest Apt. 272 South Shelby, WA 19413', 'startGate': 'West Davidchester', 'exitGate': 'New Scottstad', 'price': {'net': 12, 'taxPercentage': 12, 'total': 13.44}}
20-03-2021 13:10:36: {'id': 700364478862, 'name': 'Lisa Morris', 'date': '2006-02-15T06:28:13', 'address': '3531 Morales Trail Suite 196 Rubenhaven, DC 62005', 'startGate': 'North Elizabethshire', 'exitGate': 'Grayville', 'price': {'net': 13, 'taxPercentage': 12, 'total': 14.56}}
20-03-2021 13:10:38: {'id': 464166797700, 'name': 'Brenda Douglas', 'date': '2009-01-15T11:11:56', 'address': '313 Michael Parkways Lake Anthonychester, AR 71981', 'startGate': 'East Timothy', 'exitGate': 'North Pamelaton', 'price': {'net': 3, 'taxPercentage': 12, 'total': 3.36}}
20-03-2021 13:10:38: {'id': 469917056163, 'name': 'Ricky Obrien', 'date': '2019-07-26T04:43:05', 'address': '71937 Sophia Vista Apt. 666 Jonathantown, OK 53053', 'startGate': 'Port Sandraberg', 'exitGate': 'North Heatherside', 'price': {'net': 15, 'taxPercentage': 12, 'total': 16.8}}
20-03-2021 13:10:40: {'id': 292780357987, 'name': 'Jason Conner', 'date': '2009-03-05T13:17:01', 'address': '16250 Reyes Via West Ashleyview, IA 79615', 'startGate': 'Nicholasville', 'exitGate': 'Roberttown', 'price': {'net': 7, 'taxPercentage': 12, 'total': 7.84}}
20-03-2021 13:10:41: {'id': 787053688218, 'name': 'Seth Daniels', 'date': '2010-02-02T09:53:10', 'address': '283 Betty Key Apt. 834 Jonesburgh, MT 57602', 'startGate': 'Kennedyburgh', 'exitGate': 'New Jennifer', 'price': {'net': 8, 'taxPercentage': 12, 'total': 8.96}}
20-03-2021 13:10:41: {'id': 69566601496, 'name': 'Mr. Cody Rodriguez', 'date': '2011-03-28T11:08:58', 'address': '886 Nunez Orchard Suite 274 Garciaborough, IA 98628', 'startGate': 'Jaimebury', 'exitGate': 'Pierceside', 'price': {'net': 15, 'taxPercentage': 12, 'total': 16.8}}
20-03-2021 13:10:43: {'id': 188532360932, 'name': 'Brandon Smith', 'date': '2012-04-27T08:41:15', 'address': 'Unit 9004 Box 9947 DPO AA 39118', 'startGate': 'Davisside', 'exitGate': 'Aprilfort', 'price': {'net': 13, 'taxPercentage': 12, 'total': 14.56}}
20-03-2021 13:10:44: {'id': 481244745407, 'name': 'Jennifer Smith', 'date': '2004-12-05T00:54:40', 'address': '96044 Green Forges Suite 719 North Yolandaburgh, MD 45703', 'startGate': 'North Sarah', 'exitGate': 'West Melissa', 'price': {'net': 14, 'taxPercentage': 12, 'total': 15.68}}
20-03-2021 13:10:46: {'id': 757019959800, 'name': 'Lauren Holmes', 'date': '2015-07-02T12:35:03', 'address': '0727 Sarah Fort Kristaville, MT 40188', 'startGate': 'Hendricksbury', 'exitGate': 'Jacobtown', 'price': {'net': 6, 'taxPercentage': 12, 'total': 6.72}}
20-03-2021 13:10:47: {'id': 665659661354, 'name': 'Mark Ballard', 'date': '2020-06-26T08:30:47', 'address': '666 Lopez Road Suite 896 Clarkechester, MO 45561', 'startGate': 'Jenniferhaven', 'exitGate': 'West Gregory', 'price': {'net': 6, 'taxPercentage': 12, 'total': 6.72}}
20-03-2021 13:10:48: {'id': 553387864312, 'name': 'Tiffany Rivera', 'date': '2009-09-08T03:44:38', 'address': '504 Kimberly Inlet Apt. 858 Port Jacobmouth, TX 54360', 'startGate': 'Andrewton', 'exitGate': 'North Thomas', 'price': {'net': 4, 'taxPercentage': 12, 'total': 4.48}}
20-03-2021 13:10:48: {'id': 492051634616, 'name': 'Jeff Johnson', 'date': '2012-09-16T17:54:56', 'address': '51432 Hector Spur Suite 686 Port Angela, WA 05371', 'startGate': 'Brownshire', 'exitGate': 'Cassandrabury', 'price': {'net': 11, 'taxPercentage': 12, 'total': 12.32}}
20-03-2021 13:10:49: {'id': 306538330058, 'name': 'Steven Moore', 'date': '2015-12-28T06:46:44', 'address': '9057 Cox Street North Paultown, AR 89897', 'startGate': 'Lake Danieltown', 'exitGate': 'North Emilyborough', 'price': {'net': 13, 'taxPercentage': 12, 'total': 14.56}}
20-03-2021 13:10:50: {'id': 62415743328, 'name': 'Ryan Taylor', 'date': '2002-04-25T22:59:55', 'address': '0167 Ramirez Junction Apt. 927 South Matthew, MD 71979', 'startGate': 'Lake Robertborough', 'exitGate': 'Obrienland', 'price': {'net': 12, 'taxPercentage': 12, 'total': 13.44}}
20-03-2021 13:10:52: {'id': 565710357451, 'name': 'Andrea Williams', 'date': '2015-05-31T07:14:26', 'address': 'USNS Ray FPO AA 08840', 'startGate': 'Nicholasville', 'exitGate': 'Tamaramouth', 'price': {'net': 6, 'taxPercentage': 12, 'total': 6.72}}
20-03-2021 13:10:52: {'id': 579065084482, 'name': 'Kayla Kelly', 'date': '2002-08-26T14:25:52', 'address': '66125 Burnett Rest Suite 072 Careymouth, TX 43080', 'startGate': 'Wardville', 'exitGate': 'North Deborahshire', 'price': {'net': 15, 'taxPercentage': 12, 'total': 16.8}}
20-03-2021 13:10:53: {'id': 281421655400, 'name': 'Kevin Moran', 'date': '2007-11-15T16:28:26', 'address': '898 Robert Garden Apt. 291 Bradstad, WY 43774', 'startGate': 'New Shawn', 'exitGate': 'North Karenstad', 'price': {'net': 15, 'taxPercentage': 12, 'total': 16.8}}
20-03-2021 13:10:55: {'id': 525827299940, 'name': 'Gregory Gray', 'date': '2015-04-30T08:17:32', 'address': '82191 Jacob Lights Suite 657 East David, AZ 39818', 'startGate': 'Port Jerry', 'exitGate': 'South Kurtfort', 'price': {'net': 8, 'taxPercentage': 12, 'total': 8.96}}
20-03-2021 13:10:57: {'id': 432643481311, 'name': 'Andrea Brown', 'date': '2003-06-23T08:25:59', 'address': '18170 Medina Plains Scottport, AZ 34335', 'startGate': 'North Mitchellberg', 'exitGate': 'Lake Lisa', 'price': {'net': 12, 'taxPercentage': 12, 'total': 13.44}}
20-03-2021 13:10:58: {'id': 768115839059, 'name': 'Diana Lee', 'date': '2004-04-02T23:00:04', 'address': '988 Matthew Well Jenningsmouth, ME 24238', 'startGate': 'East Danielleland', 'exitGate': 'East Warrenland', 'price': {'net': 4, 'taxPercentage': 12, 'total': 4.48}}
20-03-2021 13:11:00: {'id': 6439793125, 'name': 'Deanna Harper', 'date': '2019-07-26T11:00:00', 'address': '8522 Donald Burg Apt. 517 New Jonathonhaven, WY 74342', 'startGate': 'Johnsonbury', 'exitGate': 'North Mirandamouth', 'price': {'net': 15, 'taxPercentage': 12, 'total': 16.8}}
20-03-2021 13:11:03: {'id': 503887816750, 'name': 'Amber Humphrey', 'date': '2018-08-07T07:55:33', 'address': '7060 Morgan Key Davidborough, AZ 16728', 'startGate': 'Wilsonhaven', 'exitGate': 'Valenciaton', 'price': {'net': 15, 'taxPercentage': 12, 'total': 16.8}}
20-03-2021 13:11:05: {'id': 61464751601, 'name': 'Kayla Ramirez', 'date': '2012-01-09T01:29:25', 'address': '07171 Gregory Park Lake Davidborough, MI 16929', 'startGate': 'South William', 'exitGate': 'Kimfurt', 'price': {'net': 3, 'taxPercentage': 12, 'total': 3.36}}
20-03-2021 13:11:08: {'id': 109888108140, 'name': 'Deanna Murphy', 'date': '2017-06-24T12:46:38', 'address': 'USNV Roberson FPO AP 12363', 'startGate': 'Destinyberg', 'exitGate': 'New Melissa', 'price': {'net': 3, 'taxPercentage': 12, 'total': 3.36}}
20-03-2021 13:11:08: {'id': 43044778741, 'name': 'Eric Simmons', 'date': '2018-12-22T10:08:05', 'address': '08795 Kathryn Union Apt. 316 Port Ashleyport, FL 69622', 'startGate': 'Port Gary', 'exitGate': 'North Ashley', 'price': {'net': 10, 'taxPercentage': 12, 'total': 11.2}}
20-03-2021 13:11:09: {'id': 681566045861, 'name': 'Dennis Blake', 'date': '2009-05-19T19:51:40', 'address': '28748 Latasha Cove Apt. 713 Dustinshire, IA 48241', 'startGate': 'North Jefferyfort', 'exitGate': 'West Sara', 'price': {'net': 8, 'taxPercentage': 12, 'total': 8.96}}
20-03-2021 13:11:10: {'id': 799291996707, 'name': 'Tony Larson', 'date': '2009-02-08T23:00:23', 'address': '6605 Michael Unions Ricechester, OK 15922', 'startGate': 'Margaretton', 'exitGate': 'New Stephen', 'price': {'net': 13, 'taxPercentage': 12, 'total': 14.56}}


[20-03-2021 13:10:41][invoices:0:0]: b'{"id": 925986450141, "name": "Melissa Arroyo", "date": "2008-12-16T14:19:13", "address": "18393 Evans Loaf South Cathyview, CA 31555", "startGate": "Lake Derrick", "exitGate": "New Linda", "price": {"net": 13, "taxPercentage": 12, "total": 14.56}}'
[20-03-2021 13:10:41][invoices:0:1]: b'{"id": 680313917348, "name": "Mr. Todd Cain", "date": "2020-12-19T14:45:05", "address": "5025 Brian Groves Apt. 525 Sharpburgh, TX 30168", "startGate": "Youngbury", "exitGate": "Lewishaven", "price": {"net": 11, "taxPercentage": 12, "total": 12.32}}'
[20-03-2021 13:10:41][invoices:0:2]: b'{"id": 161040876785, "name": "Emily Elliott", "date": "2004-03-24T02:10:12", "address": "401 Lane Spring Brownstad, DC 48250", "startGate": "Onealhaven", "exitGate": "East Erinborough", "price": {"net": 14, "taxPercentage": 12, "total": 15.68}}'
[20-03-2021 13:10:41][invoices:0:3]: b'{"id": 984247320856, "name": "Ronald Thomas", "date": "2006-05-03T01:15:07", "address": "Unit 0203 Box 8507 DPO AA 17868", "startGate": "Harmonland", "exitGate": "New Richard", "price": {"net": 10, "taxPercentage": 12, "total": 11.2}}'
[20-03-2021 13:10:41][invoices:0:4]: b'{"id": 887133430421, "name": "Heather Jordan", "date": "2020-03-09T03:58:30", "address": "169 Hatfield Loop Suite 881 New Christinachester, MN 15999", "startGate": "New Peter", "exitGate": "Grossshire", "price": {"net": 6, "taxPercentage": 12, "total": 6.72}}'
[20-03-2021 13:10:41][invoices:0:5]: b'{"id": 453323447158, "name": "Melissa Pope", "date": "2011-06-11T06:56:36", "address": "404 Daniels Run Apt. 654 Amyburgh, NM 85246", "startGate": "West Tylerbury", "exitGate": "Jamesville", "price": {"net": 9, "taxPercentage": 12, "total": 10.08}}'
[20-03-2021 13:10:41][invoices:0:6]: b'{"id": 583159808644, "name": "Aaron Morton", "date": "2010-12-05T12:03:12", "address": "28465 Jones Rue Suite 398 East Kevinland, AR 50399", "startGate": "Williamside", "exitGate": "Ericborough", "price": {"net": 3, "taxPercentage": 12, "total": 3.36}}'
[20-03-2021 13:10:41][invoices:0:7]: b'{"id": 413921923894, "name": "Victoria Robles", "date": "2016-05-30T05:09:28", "address": "61987 Nathaniel Court Suite 070 New Danielle, WA 93192", "startGate": "West James", "exitGate": "Parsonstown", "price": {"net": 10, "taxPercentage": 12, "total": 11.2}}'
[20-03-2021 13:10:41][invoices:0:8]: b'{"id": 748822493921, "name": "Robert Little", "date": "2020-10-21T05:50:25", "address": "8686 Hoover Vista Natashahaven, TN 39885", "startGate": "Lake Brandon", "exitGate": "Wileyland", "price": {"net": 7, "taxPercentage": 12, "total": 7.84}}'
[20-03-2021 13:10:41][invoices:0:9]: b'{"id": 29328782314, "name": "Mary Johnson", "date": "2002-04-07T06:27:22", "address": "1247 Jones Tunnel Annchester, NH 24639", "startGate": "Lopezville", "exitGate": "New Mitchell", "price": {"net": 9, "taxPercentage": 12, "total": 10.08}}'
[20-03-2021 13:10:41][invoices:0:10]: b'{"id": 725452978099, "name": "Charles Keller", "date": "2007-08-21T03:11:36", "address": "27421 Tricia Valley Emmamouth, IN 68727", "startGate": "Whitneyberg", "exitGate": "New Rachel", "price": {"net": 14, "taxPercentage": 12, "total": 15.68}}'
[20-03-2021 13:10:41][invoices:0:11]: b'{"id": 895662165044, "name": "Joshua Jimenez", "date": "2012-02-15T14:31:46", "address": "8479 Martinez Courts Apt. 537 Richardfort, ID 11088", "startGate": "Mitchellburgh", "exitGate": "North Christopherstad", "price": {"net": 9, "taxPercentage": 12, "total": 10.08}}'
[20-03-2021 13:10:41][invoices:0:12]: b'{"id": 352567971260, "name": "Meghan Thomas", "date": "2020-05-04T17:38:32", "address": "65890 Kristy Union Jeremiahstad, NY 81311", "startGate": "Munozport", "exitGate": "Choishire", "price": {"net": 3, "taxPercentage": 12, "total": 3.36}}'
[20-03-2021 13:10:41][invoices:0:13]: b'{"id": 151887806225, "name": "Bianca Wade", "date": "2019-05-29T14:31:32", "address": "2116 Morrow Keys Suite 365 South Nicolechester, NE 89115", "startGate": "Joshuaside", "exitGate": "South Jeffrey", "price": {"net": 9, "taxPercentage": 12, "total": 10.08}}'
[20-03-2021 13:10:41][invoices:0:14]: b'{"id": 690543850754, "name": "Alvin Cole", "date": "2004-12-01T06:40:48", "address": "797 Kathy Rest Apt. 272 South Shelby, WA 19413", "startGate": "West Davidchester", "exitGate": "New Scottstad", "price": {"net": 12, "taxPercentage": 12, "total": 13.44}}'
[20-03-2021 13:10:41][invoices:0:15]: b'{"id": 700364478862, "name": "Lisa Morris", "date": "2006-02-15T06:28:13", "address": "3531 Morales Trail Suite 196 Rubenhaven, DC 62005", "startGate": "North Elizabethshire", "exitGate": "Grayville", "price": {"net": 13, "taxPercentage": 12, "total": 14.56}}'
[20-03-2021 13:10:41][invoices:0:16]: b'{"id": 464166797700, "name": "Brenda Douglas", "date": "2009-01-15T11:11:56", "address": "313 Michael Parkways Lake Anthonychester, AR 71981", "startGate": "East Timothy", "exitGate": "North Pamelaton", "price": {"net": 3, "taxPercentage": 12, "total": 3.36}}'
[20-03-2021 13:10:41][invoices:0:17]: b'{"id": 469917056163, "name": "Ricky Obrien", "date": "2019-07-26T04:43:05", "address": "71937 Sophia Vista Apt. 666 Jonathantown, OK 53053", "startGate": "Port Sandraberg", "exitGate": "North Heatherside", "price": {"net": 15, "taxPercentage": 12, "total": 16.8}}'
[20-03-2021 13:10:41][invoices:0:18]: b'{"id": 292780357987, "name": "Jason Conner", "date": "2009-03-05T13:17:01", "address": "16250 Reyes Via West Ashleyview, IA 79615", "startGate": "Nicholasville", "exitGate": "Roberttown", "price": {"net": 7, "taxPercentage": 12, "total": 7.84}}'
[20-03-2021 13:10:41][invoices:0:19]: b'{"id": 787053688218, "name": "Seth Daniels", "date": "2010-02-02T09:53:10", "address": "283 Betty Key Apt. 834 Jonesburgh, MT 57602", "startGate": "Kennedyburgh", "exitGate": "New Jennifer", "price": {"net": 8, "taxPercentage": 12, "total": 8.96}}'
[20-03-2021 13:10:41][invoices:0:20]: b'{"id": 69566601496, "name": "Mr. Cody Rodriguez", "date": "2011-03-28T11:08:58", "address": "886 Nunez Orchard Suite 274 Garciaborough, IA 98628", "startGate": "Jaimebury", "exitGate": "Pierceside", "price": {"net": 15, "taxPercentage": 12, "total": 16.8}}'
[20-03-2021 13:10:43][invoices:0:21]: b'{"id": 188532360932, "name": "Brandon Smith", "date": "2012-04-27T08:41:15", "address": "Unit 9004 Box 9947 DPO AA 39118", "startGate": "Davisside", "exitGate": "Aprilfort", "price": {"net": 13, "taxPercentage": 12, "total": 14.56}}'
[20-03-2021 13:10:44][invoices:0:22]: b'{"id": 481244745407, "name": "Jennifer Smith", "date": "2004-12-05T00:54:40", "address": "96044 Green Forges Suite 719 North Yolandaburgh, MD 45703", "startGate": "North Sarah", "exitGate": "West Melissa", "price": {"net": 14, "taxPercentage": 12, "total": 15.68}}'
[20-03-2021 13:10:46][invoices:0:23]: b'{"id": 757019959800, "name": "Lauren Holmes", "date": "2015-07-02T12:35:03", "address": "0727 Sarah Fort Kristaville, MT 40188", "startGate": "Hendricksbury", "exitGate": "Jacobtown", "price": {"net": 6, "taxPercentage": 12, "total": 6.72}}'
[20-03-2021 13:10:47][invoices:0:24]: b'{"id": 665659661354, "name": "Mark Ballard", "date": "2020-06-26T08:30:47", "address": "666 Lopez Road Suite 896 Clarkechester, MO 45561", "startGate": "Jenniferhaven", "exitGate": "West Gregory", "price": {"net": 6, "taxPercentage": 12, "total": 6.72}}'
[20-03-2021 13:10:48][invoices:0:25]: b'{"id": 553387864312, "name": "Tiffany Rivera", "date": "2009-09-08T03:44:38", "address": "504 Kimberly Inlet Apt. 858 Port Jacobmouth, TX 54360", "startGate": "Andrewton", "exitGate": "North Thomas", "price": {"net": 4, "taxPercentage": 12, "total": 4.48}}'
[20-03-2021 13:10:48][invoices:0:26]: b'{"id": 492051634616, "name": "Jeff Johnson", "date": "2012-09-16T17:54:56", "address": "51432 Hector Spur Suite 686 Port Angela, WA 05371", "startGate": "Brownshire", "exitGate": "Cassandrabury", "price": {"net": 11, "taxPercentage": 12, "total": 12.32}}'
[20-03-2021 13:10:49][invoices:0:27]: b'{"id": 306538330058, "name": "Steven Moore", "date": "2015-12-28T06:46:44", "address": "9057 Cox Street North Paultown, AR 89897", "startGate": "Lake Danieltown", "exitGate": "North Emilyborough", "price": {"net": 13, "taxPercentage": 12, "total": 14.56}}'
[20-03-2021 13:10:50][invoices:0:28]: b'{"id": 62415743328, "name": "Ryan Taylor", "date": "2002-04-25T22:59:55", "address": "0167 Ramirez Junction Apt. 927 South Matthew, MD 71979", "startGate": "Lake Robertborough", "exitGate": "Obrienland", "price": {"net": 12, "taxPercentage": 12, "total": 13.44}}'
[20-03-2021 13:10:52][invoices:0:29]: b'{"id": 565710357451, "name": "Andrea Williams", "date": "2015-05-31T07:14:26", "address": "USNS Ray FPO AA 08840", "startGate": "Nicholasville", "exitGate": "Tamaramouth", "price": {"net": 6, "taxPercentage": 12, "total": 6.72}}'
[20-03-2021 13:10:52][invoices:0:30]: b'{"id": 579065084482, "name": "Kayla Kelly", "date": "2002-08-26T14:25:52", "address": "66125 Burnett Rest Suite 072 Careymouth, TX 43080", "startGate": "Wardville", "exitGate": "North Deborahshire", "price": {"net": 15, "taxPercentage": 12, "total": 16.8}}'
[20-03-2021 13:10:53][invoices:0:31]: b'{"id": 281421655400, "name": "Kevin Moran", "date": "2007-11-15T16:28:26", "address": "898 Robert Garden Apt. 291 Bradstad, WY 43774", "startGate": "New Shawn", "exitGate": "North Karenstad", "price": {"net": 15, "taxPercentage": 12, "total": 16.8}}'
[20-03-2021 13:10:55][invoices:0:32]: b'{"id": 525827299940, "name": "Gregory Gray", "date": "2015-04-30T08:17:32", "address": "82191 Jacob Lights Suite 657 East David, AZ 39818", "startGate": "Port Jerry", "exitGate": "South Kurtfort", "price": {"net": 8, "taxPercentage": 12, "total": 8.96}}'
[20-03-2021 13:10:57][invoices:0:33]: b'{"id": 432643481311, "name": "Andrea Brown", "date": "2003-06-23T08:25:59", "address": "18170 Medina Plains Scottport, AZ 34335", "startGate": "North Mitchellberg", "exitGate": "Lake Lisa", "price": {"net": 12, "taxPercentage": 12, "total": 13.44}}'
[20-03-2021 13:10:58][invoices:0:34]: b'{"id": 768115839059, "name": "Diana Lee", "date": "2004-04-02T23:00:04", "address": "988 Matthew Well Jenningsmouth, ME 24238", "startGate": "East Danielleland", "exitGate": "East Warrenland", "price": {"net": 4, "taxPercentage": 12, "total": 4.48}}'
[20-03-2021 13:11:00][invoices:0:35]: b'{"id": 6439793125, "name": "Deanna Harper", "date": "2019-07-26T11:00:00", "address": "8522 Donald Burg Apt. 517 New Jonathonhaven, WY 74342", "startGate": "Johnsonbury", "exitGate": "North Mirandamouth", "price": {"net": 15, "taxPercentage": 12, "total": 16.8}}'
[20-03-2021 13:11:03][invoices:0:36]: b'{"id": 503887816750, "name": "Amber Humphrey", "date": "2018-08-07T07:55:33", "address": "7060 Morgan Key Davidborough, AZ 16728", "startGate": "Wilsonhaven", "exitGate": "Valenciaton", "price": {"net": 15, "taxPercentage": 12, "total": 16.8}}'
[20-03-2021 13:11:05][invoices:0:37]: b'{"id": 61464751601, "name": "Kayla Ramirez", "date": "2012-01-09T01:29:25", "address": "07171 Gregory Park Lake Davidborough, MI 16929", "startGate": "South William", "exitGate": "Kimfurt", "price": {"net": 3, "taxPercentage": 12, "total": 3.36}}'
[20-03-2021 13:11:08][invoices:0:38]: b'{"id": 109888108140, "name": "Deanna Murphy", "date": "2017-06-24T12:46:38", "address": "USNV Roberson FPO AP 12363", "startGate": "Destinyberg", "exitGate": "New Melissa", "price": {"net": 3, "taxPercentage": 12, "total": 3.36}}'
[20-03-2021 13:11:08][invoices:0:39]: b'{"id": 43044778741, "name": "Eric Simmons", "date": "2018-12-22T10:08:05", "address": "08795 Kathryn Union Apt. 316 Port Ashleyport, FL 69622", "startGate": "Port Gary", "exitGate": "North Ashley", "price": {"net": 10, "taxPercentage": 12, "total": 11.2}}'
[20-03-2021 13:11:09][invoices:0:40]: b'{"id": 681566045861, "name": "Dennis Blake", "date": "2009-05-19T19:51:40", "address": "28748 Latasha Cove Apt. 713 Dustinshire, IA 48241", "startGate": "North Jefferyfort", "exitGate": "West Sara", "price": {"net": 8, "taxPercentage": 12, "total": 8.96}}'
[20-03-2021 13:11:10][invoices:0:41]: b'{"id": 799291996707, "name": "Tony Larson", "date": "2009-02-08T23:00:23", "address": "6605 Michael Unions Ricechester, OK 15922", "startGate": "Margaretton", "exitGate": "New Stephen", "price": {"net": 13, "taxPercentage": 12, "total": 14.56}}'