
Github user data gatherer implemented in reactive way with Spring, Reactive Redis and WebFlux. Example how to write non-blocking services.

Primary LanguageJava

Github user data gatherer - Reactive, Spring, Redis

GitHub user data gatherer implemented in reactive way with Spring, Reactive Redis and WebFlux. It is example of usage reactive programming with Spring Webflux.

The application download data of multiple GitHub users, calculate scoring for each of the user **(6 / followers_number

  • (2 + public_repos))** and return json list with user data in the scoring order. Each login request occurrence is saved to Redis (embedded) database. It is possible to check number of requests for concrete logins only.

Live demo

SwaggerUI with available endpoints: https://reactive-github-users-gatherer.herokuapp.com/swagger-ui/


Documentation UI path: 

Health check endpoint:
GET /actuator/health/

Get users data for logins:
GET /users/{logins}

Get request occurances for logins:
GET /users/requests/{logins}

Bear in mind that github limit api access rate

Technologies used:

  • Java 16
  • Spring Boot
  • Spring Webflux
  • Redis (Embedded to simplify project setup)
  • Swagger
  • Gradle
  • Netty

Local run

It is possible to run application using some Java IDE such as Intelij or Eclipse. These IDEs can help you with easier gradle servicing.

Console approach (In project directory):

./gradlew build 

java -Dserver.port=8080 $JAVA_OPTS -jar build/libs/*.jar

Link to swagger documentation: http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui/

Design principles presented:

  • Reactive programming
  • Contexts separation
  • Package scope
  • TDD
  • ...