
wiring-like lib for cubieboard ,port from WiringPi2-Python

Primary LanguageC

WiringCB for Python and c

WiringPi: An implementation of most of the Arduino Wiring functions for the Raspberry Pi
WiringPi2: WiringPi version 2 implements new functions for managing IO expanders.
WiringCB: Wiring like lib for cubieboard,change from WiringPi2-Python


Build with gcc version 4.6.3 (ubuntu/linaro 12.10) Built against Python 2.7.2, Python 3.2.3


You must have python-dev and python-setuptools installed
If you manually rebuild the bindings with swig -python wiringpi.i

Get/setup repo:

git clone https://github.com/gootoomoon/WiringCB-python.git

Python Start

Build & install with:

cd WiringCB-python
sudo python setup.py install   # python 2.7.x
sudo python3 setup.py install  # python 3.2.x

Python Usage:

import wiringpi2
pin = 2
HIGH = 1 
LOW = 0	
wiringpi2.wiringPiSetupPhys() # init pin to phy mode,U14(1~48) U15(49~96)
wiringpi2.pinMode(pin,OUTPUT) # set pin 2 to output mode

while 1:
	wiringpi2.digitalWrite(pin,HIGH) # Write HIGH to pin 2(U14 pin 2)
	wiringpi2.digitalWrite(pin,LOW)  # Write LOW to pin

General IO:

wiringpi2.pinMode(2,1)      # Set pin 2 to output
wiringpi2.digitalWrite(2,1) # Write 1 HIGH to pin 2
wiringpi2.digitalRead(50)    # Read pin 50(U15 pin 2)

Soft Tone

Hook a speaker up to your Pi and generate music with softTone. Also useful for generating frequencies for other uses such as modulating A/C.


Bit shifting:

wiringpi2.shiftOut(1,2,0,123) # Shift out 123 (b1110110, byte 0-255) to data pin 1, clock pin 2


serial = wiringpi2.serialOpen('/dev/ttyAMA0',9600) # Requires device/baud and returns an ID
wiringpi2.serialClose(serial) # Pass in ID

Full details at:


C Start

Build & install with:

cd WiringPi2-Python/WiringPi/

C Usage:

#include <wiringPi.h>

#define OUTPUT 	1
#define HIGH 	1
#define LOW	0

int pin = 1;

int main()
	wiringPiSetupPhys();  //init wiringCB lib
	pinMode(pin,OUTPUT);  //set pin to output mode
		digitalWrite(pin,HIGH); //Write HIGH(1) to pin 
		delay(1000);		//delay for 1s
		digitalWrite(pin,LOW);	//Write LOW(0) to pin
		delay(1000);		//delay for 1s

compile code like this: gcc -o test test.c -lwiringPi -lpthread