
Plugin For Roku Builder to add automatic code generation

Primary LanguageRubyOtherNOASSERTION



Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'roku_builder_generator'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install roku_builder_generator


The generator plugin has the following commands:

Options for RokuBuilder::Generator:
        --generate COMPONENT_TYPE    Generate a component: manager, module, task, screen
        --name COMPONENT_NAME        Name of the component
        --extends COMPONENT_NAME     A component to extend
        --for-brand BRAND            Brand to put component in (default:' core')
        --base-dir                   Base directory for generated brs/xml code (eg.: 'brands/core/components/<type>s')
        --with-config                Add empty config JSON
        --config-dir                 Use custom directory for config json (eg.: 'brands/core/region/US/configs/<type>s')
        --with-tests                 Add unit tests
        --only-tests                 Only unit tests
        --tests-dir                  Use custom directory for unit tests


Generate a manager called "FooManager", with an empty configuration JSON file:

roku --generate manager --name foo --with-config

Generate a task ("Bar"), but just display the output on screen:

roku --generate task --name bar --dry-run -V

Generate a module ("Buz"), and also generate config and unit tests

roku --generate module --name buz --with-config --with-tests


You can supplement the default configuration using a local file .roku_builder_generator.json

Format of config file:

  "component_dir": "base/directory/for/components", // default: "./brands/%brand%/components"
  "config_dir": "base/directory/for/config/json/files", // default: "./brands/%brand%/region/US/configs"
  "template_dir": "directory/for/templates" // default: "./roku_builder_generator"

Directories and Brands

Unless you specify a custom directory, generated files will be placed in the default directory. For example, roku --generate manager --name foo --with-config will generate the following files:

  • ./brands/core/components/Managers/FooManager/FooManager.xml
  • ./brands/core/components/Managers/FooManager/FooManager.brs
  • ./brands/core/region/US/configs/Managers/Foo.json

without specifying custom directories, files can be generated for other brands. For example,

roku --generate manager --name foo --for-brand comedy --with-config

will generate:

  • ./brands/comedy/components/Managers/FooManager/FooManager.xml
  • ./brands/comedy/components/Managers/FooManager/FooManager.brs
  • ./brands/comedy/region/US/configs/Managers/Foo.json

To enable changing brands for directories specified in .roku_builder_generator.json, use %brand% in the position where the brand should be replaced.

For example, if you specify "component_dir": "some/directory/%brand%/components" and you ran the command

roku --generate manager --name foo --for-brand my-brand

it would generate files

  • ./some/directory/my-brand/components/Managers/FooManager/FooManager.xml
  • ./some/directory/my-brand/components/Managers/FooManager/FooManager.brs

Note: If nothing is specified by the --for-brand option, it will use "core".

Custom Templates

You can add custom templates for different component types by adding ERB files to the template directory (either ./roku_builder_generator or whatever was defined in the config).

The template file name must be of the form <component_name>.<file_extension>.erb

For example, to add a custom template for module SceneGraph XML files, create the file:
