Code Music Player written by Javascript - F8

As we know, music players allow one to enjoy music in any browser and supports a lot of the features of an offline music player. So we will be creating a music player with a clean interface that can play music in the browser.

This was also my first project in my adventure of Frontend :D


  1. Render song
  2. Scroll top
  3. Play / pause / seek song
  4. CD rotate
  5. Next / previous song
  6. Listen random song
  7. Next / repeat when ended song
  8. Active song when clicking an other song
  9. Scroll active song into center view
  10. Download music
  11. Load config setting when we reload the page every time

Tech Stack

HTML, CSS & Javascript


Just open index.html to see it


  1. bind(document)
  2. localStorage
  3. map(), filter()
  4. Object.defineProperty
  5. Web animation API
  6. rotate(360deg)
  7. events: onscroll, onclick, onplay, onpause, ontimeupdate, onchange, onended
  8. toggle
  9. _this.isRepead = !_this.isRepeat;
  10. setTimeOut()
  11. scrollIntoView()


