EXAM: Web Apps

Getting Started

  • Fork this repository under your own account
  • Clone the forked repository to your computer
  • Commit your progress frequently and with descriptive commit messages
  • All your answers and solutions should go in this repository

What can I use?

  • You can use any resource online, but please work individually
  • Don't just copy-paste your answers and solutions, use your own words instead.


0. Initialize a node package in this folder.

  • the test command should be node test.js

1. frontend: HTML, DOM & events

  • the frontend should have the following components:

    • a paragraph of text containing this copy: "Thank you for visiting our website! To get early access to our planned projects, please fill in the following quick questionnaire."
    • a textarea with the label "Describe your experience with Green Fox Academy so far"
    • a number input with the label "On a scale of 1 to 10, how likely are you to recommend Green Fox Academy to a friend?"
    • an email input with the label "Your email address:"
    • a button
  • clicking the button should display a 'loading' message

2. frontend: XHR

  • clicking the button should send a post request to the /exam endpoint
    • the request body should follow this format:
      "feedback": "stellar experience with stupendous people. simply perfect",
      "scale": "10",
      "email": "lobab@greenfox.academy"
    • the frontend should display the server response in a list
    • the frontend should hide the 'loading' message when the response arrives

3. backend: node, express

  • the backend should serve the static files for the frontend
  • the backend should have a post endpoint on /exam/
    • if the received data passes validation - more on that later -, the backend should send a response in the following format:
      "status": "ok",
      "projects": [
        "secret project 1",
        "secret project 2"
    • if any error occures, or the received data did not pass validation, the server should respond with:
        "status": "error",
        "message": "thank you"

4. backend: unit testing, array methods

  • create a separate file for the input validation module
    • the validator function should return true if:
      • the email has an @ sign
      • AND the scale is equal to or bigger than 10
      • AND the feedback text contains at least 3 nice words from the following list: ["amazing", "awesome", "blithesome", "excellent", "fabulous", "fantastic", "favorable", "fortuitous", "great", "incredible", "ineffable", "mirthful", "outstanding", "perfect", "propitious", "remarkable", "smart", "spectacular", "splendid", "stellar", "stupendous", "super", "ultimate", "unbelievable", "wondrous"]
    • the validator function should return false otherwise
    • use an array method to process the feedback
    • write unit tests for the cases in test.js found in this repository
    • write 3 more test cases

5. backend: database, mysql

  • create the secretprojects database and fill it by importing secretprojects.sql found in this repository
  • if the validator finds the received data valid, get all data from database and return it in the response in the format given in #3