MAC Challenge LIDAR-Lite Raspberry Pi Setup

Installation guide for the LDIAR sensor in the MAC Challenge. Please follow the instrucitons below from Garmin first for enabling the I2C peripheral and wiring the LIDAR-Lite sensor before installing the script.

  1. Clone the repositoty: git clone
  2. Cd into the directory and build the code cd LIDARLite_RaspberryPi_Library and make
  3. Edit permissions on file so it can run chmod +x
  4. Run the application with ./ and try connecting in a webbrowser to the IP_ADDRESS:3000 (you can check the ip address on the pi with the command ip a and reading out the inet value for the eth0 adaptor)
  5. Check current directory name with pwd (needed for the next step)
  6. Set the application to begin on reboot by running crontab -e and then adding @reboot /home/pi/LIDARLite_RaspberryPi_Library/ (instead of /home/pi/LIDARLite_RaspberryPi_Library use the output from the pwd command in the preivous step)

Instructions to enable the I2C peripheral in the ARM core

From a command shell, launch the configuration editor

sudo raspi-config

From the menu, select

  • Interfacing Options
  • P5 I2C
  • Enable the interface
  • Select Finish
  • Reboot the Raspberry Pi

Wiring the LIDAR-Lite to the Raspberry Pi

Raspberry Pi Header

On the 40-pin header make the following connections -

* LLv3 Blue  (SDA) - RPi pin 3 (GPIO 2)
* LLv3 Green (SCL) - RPi pin 5 (GPIO 3)
* LLv3 Red   (5V ) - RPi pin 4
* LLv3 Black (GND) - RPi pin 6

- Wire a 680uF capacitor across pins 4 and 6

Additionally, see the following tutorials for other information concerning I2C on Raspberry Pi


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