
RoloBox is my capstone project during my study in UWL, it has been moved offline after I completed my project presentation. If you would like to see the demo, go to Bilibili.

The project has been divided into three parts:

This repository is the back end of RoloBox, written with NodeJS/express.


RoloBox is an application that allows users to manage a list of contacts while supporting a photo-based matching feature so that users can upload images of their contacts and, more importantly, identify those contacts at a later time by taking a photo of a room or gathering with their phone. Once a person is labeled with contact information in a photo, they will later be recognized and automatically labeled when appearing in another photo.


  • log in, log out, and manage my contact list.
  • store images of groups and individuals in such a way that they can be easily accessible while remaining secure.
  • associate portrait images with contact information.
  • take a picture of a group or individual and have all individuals automatically recognized or labeled as not being in my contact list.
  • filter my contacts by gender, age range or distinguishing face features.
  • see all photos related to a certain contact.
  • edit my own contact information.
  • other users as friends.
  • messages to my friends directly in the app.

design and planing

app architecture

app architecture

er diagram

er diagram

software engineering practice

user interface

see rolobox-angular and rolobox-flutter for UI design



Layered Resources

Resources Layer Path
User /users/{userId}
Image /users/{userId}/images/{imageId}
Group /users/{userId}/groups/{groupId}
Contact /users/{userId}/groups/{groupId}/contacts/{contactId}
Face /users/{userId}/groups/{groupId}/contacts/{contactId}/faces/{faceId}
Friend /users/{userId}/friends/{friendId}
Message /users/{userId}/friends/{friendId}/messages/{messageId}

HTTP Methods

  • GET for retrieve
  • PUT for update
  • POST for create
  • DELETE for delete

used technology


  • S3 for image storage
  • Rekognition for face indexing, detection and recognition


  • Firebase ML kit for real time face detection in mobile application


  • Image cropping, rotation and compression.

Security Consideration

  • Authorization and authentication support
  • Session management
  • XSS and CSRF protection

programming style