Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a platform that offers a bewildering array of cloud computing services. Their flagship product is Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) which gives users the ability to quickly deploy virtual computers (called instances) in the cloud. The specifications (number of cores, RAM, and storage) of an instance can be tailored to the size and complexity of the task, and users pay an hourly rate that depends on the computing power of the instance.
The diversity and flexibility of AWS makes it extremely powerful; however, it also makes simple tasks daunting and confusing. With this in mind, this instructions will focus on a single, well-defined goal: setting up RStudio Server installed on an AWS EC2 instance so that RStudio can be accessed via the browser from anywhere. The only prerequisite is an AWS account, which you can sign up for if you haven’t already. A credit card is required to sign up, but you will only be charged for computing time you use, and Amazon offers an excellent free tier that is suitable for small jobs.
At the end of those instructions, you’ll have RStudio running in the cloud on AWS and accessible via your web browser. Advantage of the cloude environment are:
- Free-up local resources
- Collaborations and seamlessly work across locations
- Computing power
Log in to the AWS console ( and click on the EC2 icon under Compute.
Search for “EC2” in the search bar. Click on “EC2” to start the EC2 wizard.
- Select the Ubuntu Server 16.04 image
- Select the free tier t2.micro instance. You're free to select a different one. This can also be changed later on when more capacity is needed.
- When using p2.xlarge, click on “Request Spot Instances”. Spot instances are significantly cheaper than normal instances. It is a way for Amazon to sell excess capacity at reduced prices.
- (Optional) Click on “Enable CloudWatch Detailed Monitoring”. This will enable additional services like automatically shutting down an idle instance. You will be warned that additional charges may be incurred, which will go against your allotment. Consider it like buying insurance.
- (Optional) Under Advanced Details a custom startup script can be run. This can be usefull, when you're behind a company firewall and the ssh port (22) is blocked. In order to circumvent this, the following bash/perl script can be run. It runs the ssh on port 443:
#!/bin/bash -ex
perl -pi -e 's/^#?Port 22$/Port 22\nPort 443/' /etc/ssh/sshd_config
service ssh restart
- The default SSD storage of 8 GB is sometimes not enough when installing all the cecessary software. That is why 30GB is chosen.
- Nothing is changed/done here.
- This is an important step. If the necessary ports are not opened, it isn't possible to connect to your RStudio/Anaconda Server.
- The following ports are opened: 80 (HTTP), 22 (SSH), HTTPS (443), RStudio Port (8787), Jupyter Port (8888).
- It is allowed to connect to them from any IP. It would also be possible to restrict the IP Range.
- When you attempt to launch the instance it will ask if you have a keypair.
- If you have not used SSH before and do not have a keypair, select “Create a new keypair”
- Download the .pem file and store it in a safe place
- You will need to import the .pem file to connect your instance over ssh. See below.
Connect to the instance over ssh which establishes a terminal session to your newly created instance.
Windows users may not have an ssh client installed. If you need ssh for Windows, download PuTTY (
You will need to convert the .pem key from AWS into a .ppk key in PuTTY Key Generator
- Select Import Key under Conversions
- Save as Private Key with RSA selected
Launch PuTTY and you will see the below screen.
Navigate to SSH > Auth, browse to add the .ppk file and Open
Login as user ubuntu
Open a terminal window. Note: On a Mac or on Linux you may need to change the permissions of your ssh keyfile if you get the following error when attempting to ssh to your instance:
“Permission denied (publickey)”
Change the permission of your ssh keyfile as follows if you get the above error message.
chmod 600 <ssh_key>
Use the public IP of the running instance and username “ubuntu”. For example:
ssh -i <your_ssh_keyfile> ubuntu@<your_AWS_public_DNS_name_or_IP_address>
Download and run the bash script
chmod +x
sudo ./
sudo adduser <username>
sudo adduser <username> sudo
Copy the ssh key to the clipboard
cat ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
su <username>
cd ~
mkdir .ssh
chmod 700 .ssh
touch .ssh/authorized_keys
chmod 600 .ssh/authorized_keys
nano .ssh/authorized_keys
Start a local browser on your machine, and then navigate to the RStudio server running on AWS:
Download and run the bash script Note: Anaconda is not installed globaly but rather localy for every user. That means you should run the script below with the user you plan to work with.
chmod +x
sudo ./
To run jupyter notebook run the command below. The password is cs109b
jupyter notebook
In order to fix certain language issues, append the following lines to the /etc/environment file.
sudo nano /etc/environment
It might be necessary to enable swapping. This is especially the case with the smaller instances. You can make the size of 1024 also bigger.
sudo /bin/dd if=/dev/zero of=/var/swap.1 bs=1M count=1024
sudo /sbin/mkswap /var/swap.1
sudo chmod 600 /var/swap.1
sudo /sbin/swapon /var/swap.1
In order to activate swapping at startup append the following line to the /etc/fsab file.
sudo nano /etc/fstab
swap /var/swap.1 swap defaults 0 0