
Styling and markup for various pages of Master theme for Planet4

Primary LanguageHTML

Planet 4 Presentation Layer



feature branch -> Pull Request -> merge to master -> merge master into gh-pages

Full workflow

  1. Start a new branch on local with a title that represents your work. i.e. article-list-block
  2. Push granular and atomic commits to your branch as you continue work and push your changes up to GitHub in blocks of work.
  3. After your work is complete & tested, open a Pull Request with a useful title, description and screenshots or links to the designs.
  4. Request a review from another collaborator on the planet4-presentation-layer repository.
  5. The developer will review your work and request changes or approved.
  6. Once approved the reviewer will merge your Pull Request into master.
  7. The reviewer will then merge master into the gh-pages branch for design review.

More reading on Gitflow:

Local Installation

Execute these two npm commands to install project dependencies

npm install

To compile the SCSS source to CSS, use

npm run gulp:styles

To watch SCSS files and rebuild the CSS whenever a .scss source file changes, use

npm run gulp

Auto-reloading development server

To start a local development server that will auto-rebuild SCSS and reload your page whenever the HTML or styles change, run

npm start

Using Gulp directly

This project uses a locally-installed gulp with npm scripts to simplify setup, but at times it may be useful to have direct command-line access to gulp itself. You can install the gulp CLI using these "getting started" instructions.

This table shows the corresponding gulp commands for each npm command:

Task npm command gulp command
Compile SCSS to CSS npm run gulp:styles gulp styles
Start Gulp watch task to auto-rebuild SCSS npm run gulp gulp

Coding Guidelines

Coding guidelines are very important here in this project and delivery depends on that.