Terraform with Ansible kubeadm bootstrap cluster.

Bootstraping kubeadm kubernetes cluster using terraform and ansible. I am using remote-exec and local-exec to demonstrate two different ways of configuring hosts.


  • terraform
  • ansible
  • git
  • aws account and aws cli installed


  • git pull repository: https://github.com/greenszpila/kubeadm-cluster.git
  • terraform init

Deploy one master and two worker nodes kubeadm 1.19 cluster

By default the resources are being deployed to the us-east-2 region. To deploy cluster to the eu-west region:

terraform apply -var-file eu-west.tfvars

You could create your own variable file or edit the eu-west.tfvars with the following details which are self explanatory:

ec2_instance_type = "t2.large"
ami_key_pair_name = "my_key"
private_key_location = "~/location/my_key.pem"
ec2_instance_region = "ap-east-1"

then run the terraform apply -var-file yourVarFile.tfvars

SSH to the Master node

Copy and paste the auto-generated command to connect to the master node:

ssh_to_master = "ssh -i ~/coding/key_name.pem ubuntu@"

Verify the worker nodes have joined the cluster successfully:

kubectl get nodes

Verify the cluster

Create a deployment named nginx:

kubectl create deployment nginx --image=nginx
kubectl expose deploy nginx --port 80 --target-port 80 --type NodePort
kubectl get services

To test that everything is working, visit one of the workers:

  • http://worker_1_ip:nginx_port
  • http://worker_2_ip:nginx_port

through a browser or curl on your local machine. You will see Nginx’s familiar welcome page.

Install New Relic Kubernetes integration with Pixie by following the below guide:

Verify if all pods are in running state with:

kubectl get pods -n newrelic

Clean up

terraform destroy or terraform destroy -var-file eu-west.tfvars if the var file was used.

Delete the hosts file if you are planning to use the same directory for the future tf deployments.

rm -rf hosts