
Examples of JSON powered New Relic dashboards with the Terraform JSON dashboard resource

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New Relic Terraform Dashboards from JSON Templates

This example shows how you can use the newrelic_one_dashboards_json resource to provision dashboards. It includes an example for composing a dashboard from configuration (both manual and NRQL sourced), making it easy to build complex dashboards with ease.

  • dash_basic.tf - the simplest example, copy your dashboard to clipboard and paste the json into the basic.json file.
  • dash_replacer.tf - this example takes the same dashboard but replaces some values in the title and NRQL account id's using replace().
  • dash_templatefile.tf - this example takes the same dashboard but uses a templatefile() method to set title and NRQL account id's.
  • dash_composed.tf - this example shows how a complex dashboard can be built using template iteration. Super cool.
  • dash_nrql_composed.tf - this example extends the previous and shows how a complex dashboard can be built using template iteration driven by an NRQL query that determines what items to include.


Make sure terraform is installed. I highly recommend using the super-useful terraform version manager tfenv for managing your terraform binaries.

This project includes a helper script for running terraform and providing the necessary variables (see below). If you would rather run terraform directly then you need to set up the following environment variables:

  • NEW_RELIC_ACCOUNT_ID : Your account ID

You would then run terraform as follows: terraform plan -var=\"accountId=${NEW_RELIC_ACCOUNT_ID}\" -var=\"NEW_RELIC_API_KEY=${NEW_RELIC_API_KEY}\""

Helper Script

The helper script simplifies the running of terraform with necessary configuration on a mac. Update the runtf.sh.sample file with your API key and account ID details and rename it runtf.sh. Important do not commit this new file to git! (It should be ignored in .gitignore already)

Using the helper script

Use the runtf.sh helper script configured aboe wherever you would normally run terraform. It simply wraps the terraform with some environment variables that make it easier to switch between projects. (You dont have to do it this way, you could just set the env vars and run terraform normally)

First initialise terraform:

./runtf.sh init

Now use the script as required wher eyou would normally run terraform, eg:

./runtf.sh plan

State storage

This example does not include remote state storage. State will be stored locally.