
[Computer Architecture] A box that tells the time in binary with Verilog, a Spartan 3 FPGA, and pretty lights. ;D

Primary LanguageVerilog


[Computer Architecture - Fall 2013 Olin College] Creating a clock that tells the time in binary with Verilog, a Spartan 3 FPGA, and pretty lights. ;D

Files in this repository:

  • CAD subfolder (SolidWorks files for the 3D model screenshots included in the writeup)
  • .gitignore (self explanatory)
  • BinaryClock.v (contains all of the necessary verilog modules for the binary clock)
  • BinaryClockConstraints.ucf (a file which helps map inputs/outputs in the code to the hardware locations on the Spartan 3 FPGA - necessary for working with Xilinx ISE webpack)
  • README.md (this file)
  • writeup.pdf (a copy of our writeup from the Olin College Computer Architecture class wiki)

Additional instructions:

  • For simplicity (and because of file nuances Xilinx's program creates that can't be shown in the repository), this respository only contains the verilog modules and the configurations file).
  • To use this code in Xilinx for the first time, create a new project in Xilinx ISE Webpack, and add the appropriate code files in the approriate categories by either the "add source" button (if it works) or copying/pasting the contents. BinaryClock should be the top module.