
Utility to plot points on an OpenStreetMap with R

Primary LanguageHTML


Utility to plot points on an OpenStreetMap with R providing a dynamic and interactive Geo Mapping experience.


OpenStreetMapR is a free and open source package for R providing an interactive mapping experience with Open Street Maps and Leaflet.js. You can install it from R with the following:

install_github('OpenStreetMapR', 'greentheo')

Making Marker Plots

To get started using OpenStreetMapR, simply create a data frame and use the plot funcitonality

df = data.frame(lat=runif(10, 38,40), long=-runif(10, 104,106), 
                size=runif(10)*20, color=sample(rainbow(3), 10, replace=TRUE),
                line=sample(1:3, 10,replace=TRUE))
OSMMap(df, size='size', color='color')

Creating a layered Map

And the best part is, you can overlay different groups of layers and markers. Open Street Map and Leaflet provide functionality to turn the layers on and off.

dualMap = (addLayers(OSMMap(df, size='size', color='color'),

Including in Markdown or RHtml

You can also include the plots as part of R HTML and knitr with the following:

print(OSMMap(df, size='size', color='color'))

For more usage examples see 'package/inst/examples/' or take a look at this page http://greentheo.github.io/OpenStreetMapR/ .