
Simple tool for mass converting files with FFmpeg

Primary LanguageGo

greenpeg is a simple CLI wrapper for FFmpeg made to make mass conversion easy on any platform. Using Go flags and presets it makes using FFmpeg less about googling commands and more about getting conversions done.


Get Go and:

go build

Obviously you also need FFmpeg, which is included in your path.


Check flags with greenpeg -h.

For example, running:

greenpeg -iname="/home/marcel/anaxi*.mp4" -oprefix="" -osuffix="_encoded" -vcodec="libx265"

will generate the following commands

ffmpeg -i /home/marcel/anaxi1.mp4 -vcodec libx265 /home/marcel/anaxi1_encoded.mp4
ffmpeg -i /home/marcel/anaxidev.mp4 -vcodec libx265 /home/marcel/anaxidev_encoded.mp4
ffmpeg -i /home/marcel/anaxifyne.mp4 -vcodec libx265 /home/marcel/anaxifyne_encoded.mp4

and so on for any file matching the pattern from iname.


There are no releases yet as it is in a very early stage. Handle with care, as using FFmpeg improperly in general can cause filling up storage space, especially when doing it on a mass scale.