
SSL certificate monitoring system

Primary LanguageCSS


Fed up with expired SSLs that block systems?
I wanted a system that warns me when a cert is about to expire. Or that tells me when some certs are at risk (e.g. weak encryption or algo). It provides a web site + an alerting by email.

The solution is a bit rough around the edges.

  1. There is NO installation script. Read the installation documentation at the bottom of this document. Contact me jl(.)dupont[@]gmail(.)com if you're stuck.
  2. There is NO user management. It's open source. Feel free to add it ;)

  • Snapshots

Main page. Gives you a global status of your sites using SSL.


Certificate setting page. Define what you believe are acceptable SSL/TLS protocoles and Cyphers. image

Add/Remove sites


Email report example


  • How to install

Runs on Linux. Developped on Ubuntu 20.0

Must have:

  1. Get the source of the solution: https://github.com/jeanlucdupont/certchecker.git
  2. Database
  • Connect to your mysql console (Must have enough right to create a DB).
  • Do 'source certchecker.sql' from your mysql console.
  1. Web server
  • Copy www subdir to /var/www/html/certchecker
  • Modify your Apache configuration accordingly
  • Edit /var/www/html/certchecker/connect_db.php and put the right login/password/IP
  • Try the web server.
  • Add sites (e.g., www.abcdefghuj.com:1088, omg.org ). No http/https prefix.
  • Add an email address in email settings
  1. Scripts
  • Edit db_common.py and put the right login/password/IP
  • Edit mailer.py and change the values for C_USER, C_PWD and C_SMTPSERVER
  • Run certchecker.py and look for error. If you miss a module, add it with pip3
  • Run mailer.py and look for error. If you miss a module, add it with pip3
  • Schedule certchecker.py and mailer.py to run daily (cron, or cron.daily). Make sure mailer.py is ran after certchecker.py
  1. Profit