
CLI to manage Eclipse Che server and workspaces

Primary LanguageTypeScriptEclipse Public License 2.0EPL-2.0


Eclipse Che CLI

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Table Of Contents


There are two channels of chectl: stable and next

Stable is for all tagged versions of Eclipse Che. Next is updated after each commit/Pull Request being merged in master branch of the Chectl repository.

If you're using Windows x64, here is how to install chectl by using one single PowerShell command:

  • For stable channel:
C:\Users> Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('https://www.eclipse.org/che/chectl/win/'))
  • For next channel:
C:\Users> $CHANNEL="next"; Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('https://www.eclipse.org/che/chectl/win/'))

If you're using linux or macOS, here is how to install chectl by using one single command:

  • For stable channel:
$ bash <(curl -sL  https://www.eclipse.org/che/chectl/)
  • For next channel:
$ bash <(curl -sL  https://www.eclipse.org/che/chectl/) --channel=next

Assemblies of chectl are available at https://github.com/che-incubator/chectl/releases

Manual install:

  1. Download a .tgz file based on your Operating System / Arch
  2. Unpack the assembly
  3. move chectl folder into a folder like $HOME/chectl
  4. add $HOME/chectl/bin to `$PATH``


$ chectl server:start
running command...

$ chectl server:stop
running command...

$ chectl workspace:start --devfile
running command...

$ chectl --help [COMMAND]
  $ chectl COMMAND


chectl autocomplete [SHELL]

display autocomplete installation instructions

  $ chectl autocomplete [SHELL]

  SHELL  shell type

  -r, --refresh-cache  Refresh cache (ignores displaying instructions)

  $ chectl autocomplete
  $ chectl autocomplete bash
  $ chectl autocomplete zsh
  $ chectl autocomplete --refresh-cache

See code: @oclif/plugin-autocomplete

chectl devfile:generate

generate and print a devfile to stdout given some Kubernetes resources and other Che workspaces features (project, language-support, commands etc...)

  $ chectl devfile:generate

  -h, --help                 show CLI help
  --command=command          Command to include in the workspace
  --dockerimage=dockerimage  dockerimage component to include in the Devfile
  --editor=editor            Specify the Che editor component. Currently supported editors: theia-next,theia-1.0.0
  --git-repo=git-repo        Source code git repository to include in the workspace

  --language=language        Add support for a particular language. Currently supported languages:

  --name=name                Workspace name

  --namespace=namespace      Kubernetes namespace where the resources are defined

  --plugin=plugin            Che plugin to include in the workspace. The format is JSON. For example this is a valid Che
                             Plugin specification: {"type": "TheEndpointName.ChePlugin", "alias": "java-ls", "id":

  --selector=selector        label selector to filter the Kubernetes resources. For example

See code: src/commands/devfile/generate.ts

chectl help [COMMAND]

display help for chectl

  $ chectl help [COMMAND]

  COMMAND  command to show help for

  --all  see all commands in CLI

See code: @oclif/plugin-help

chectl server:delete

delete any Che related resource: Kubernetes/OpenShift/Helm

  $ chectl server:delete

  -h, --help                       show CLI help
  -n, --chenamespace=chenamespace  [default: che] Kubernetes namespace where Che was deployed
  --listr-renderer=listr-renderer  [default: default] Listr renderer. Can be 'default', 'silent' or 'verbose'

See code: src/commands/server/delete.ts

chectl server:start

start Eclipse Che Server

  $ chectl server:start

  -a, --installer=installer                    Installer type. Valid values are "helm", "operator" and "minishift-addon"

  -b, --domain=domain                          Domain of the Kubernetes cluster (e.g. example.k8s-cluster.com or

  -h, --help                                   show CLI help

  -i, --cheimage=cheimage                      [default: eclipse/che-server:nightly] Che server container image

  -m, --multiuser                              Starts che in multi-user mode

  -n, --chenamespace=chenamespace              [default: che] Kubernetes namespace where Che resources will be deployed

  -o, --cheboottimeout=cheboottimeout          (required) [default: 40000] Che server bootstrap timeout (in

  -p, --platform=platform                      Type of Kubernetes platform. Valid values are "minikube", "minishift",
                                               "k8s (for kubernetes)", "openshift", "crc (for CodeReady Containers)",

  -s, --tls                                    Enable TLS encryption.
                                               Note that for kubernetes 'che-tls' with TLS
                                               certificate must be created in the configured namespace.
                                               For OpenShift, router will use default cluster

  -t, --templates=templates                    [default: templates] Path to the templates folder

  --che-operator-cr-yaml=che-operator-cr-yaml  Path to a yaml file that defines a CheCluster used by the operator. This
                                               parameter is used only when the installer is the operator.

  --che-operator-image=che-operator-image      [default: quay.io/eclipse/che-operator:nightly] Container image of the
                                               operator. This parameter is used only when the installer is the operator

  --devfile-registry-url=devfile-registry-url  The URL of the external Devfile registry.

  --k8spodreadytimeout=k8spodreadytimeout      [default: 130000] Waiting time for Pod Ready Kubernetes (in milliseconds)

  --k8spodwaittimeout=k8spodwaittimeout        [default: 300000] Waiting time for Pod Wait Timeout Kubernetes (in

  --listr-renderer=listr-renderer              [default: default] Listr renderer. Can be 'default', 'silent' or

  --os-oauth                                   Enable use of OpenShift credentials to log into Che

  --plugin-registry-url=plugin-registry-url    The URL of the external plugin registry.

  --self-signed-cert                           Authorize usage of self signed certificates for encryption. Note that
                                               `self-signed-cert` secret with CA certificate must be created in the
                                               configured namespace.

See code: src/commands/server/start.ts

chectl server:stop

stop Eclipse Che Server

  $ chectl server:stop

  -h, --help                         show CLI help
  -n, --chenamespace=chenamespace    [default: che] Kubernetes namespace where Che resources will be deployed
  --access-token=access-token        Che OIDC Access Token
  --che-selector=che-selector        [default: app=che,component=che] Selector for Che Server resources
  --deployment-name=deployment-name  [default: che] Che deployment name
  --listr-renderer=listr-renderer    [default: default] Listr renderer. Can be 'default', 'silent' or 'verbose'

See code: src/commands/server/stop.ts

chectl server:update

update Eclipse Che Server

  $ chectl server:update

  -h, --help                       show CLI help
  -n, --chenamespace=chenamespace  [default: che] Kubernetes namespace where Che resources will be deployed
  --listr-renderer=listr-renderer  [default: default] Listr renderer. Can be 'default', 'silent' or 'verbose'

See code: src/commands/server/update.ts

chectl update [CHANNEL]

update the chectl CLI

  $ chectl update [CHANNEL]

See code: @oclif/plugin-update

chectl workspace:inject

inject configurations and tokens in a Che Workspace

  $ chectl workspace:inject

  -c, --container=container        Target container. If not specified, configuration files will be injected in all
                                   containers of a Che Workspace pod

  -h, --help                       show CLI help

  -k, --kubeconfig                 Inject the local Kubernetes configuration

  -n, --chenamespace=chenamespace  [default: che] Kubernetes namespace where Che workspace is running

  -w, --workspace=workspace        Target workspace. Can be omitted if only one Workspace is running

  --listr-renderer=listr-renderer  [default: default] Listr renderer. Can be 'default', 'silent' or 'verbose'

See code: src/commands/workspace/inject.ts

chectl workspace:list

list Che workspaces

  $ chectl workspace:list

  -h, --help                       show CLI help
  -n, --chenamespace=chenamespace  [default: che] Kubernetes namespace where Che server is deployed
  --listr-renderer=listr-renderer  [default: default] Listr renderer. Can be 'default', 'silent' or 'verbose'

See code: src/commands/workspace/list.ts

chectl workspace:start

create and start a Che workspace

  $ chectl workspace:start

  -f, --devfile=devfile                  path or URL to a valid devfile
  -h, --help                             show CLI help
  -n, --chenamespace=chenamespace        [default: che] kubernetes namespace where Che server is deployed
  -w, --workspaceconfig=workspaceconfig  path to a valid workspace configuration json file
  --access-token=access-token            Che OIDC Access Token
  --listr-renderer=listr-renderer        [default: default] Listr renderer. Can be 'default', 'silent' or 'verbose'

  --name=name                            workspace name: overrides the workspace name to use instead of the one defined
                                         in the devfile. Works only for devfile

See code: src/commands/workspace/start.ts

chectl workspace:stop

stop a running Che workspace

  $ chectl workspace:stop

  -h, --help                       show CLI help
  -n, --chenamespace=chenamespace  [default: che] Kubernetes namespace where Che server is deployed
  --listr-renderer=listr-renderer  [default: default] Listr renderer. Can be 'default', 'silent' or 'verbose'

See code: src/commands/workspace/stop.ts


Contributing to chectl is covered in CONTRIBUTING.md