
A discord bot facilitator for scheduling

Primary LanguagePython


Is this ready to go?

Janky but it works

What's it supposed to do?

The best implimentation of the worst scheduling consensus system:
When someone says they can't make it, the onus is on them to propose a later time.
Repeat until all parties can make it ... possibly never!


  • Find instructions on how to make a discord bot, get to the point where you have a token.
  • K=DISCORD_AUTH_TOKEN; read -p "$K=" && echo "$K=$REPLY" > $K.env`\
    virtualenv venv
    source ./venv/bin/activate
    pip install -r requirements.txt
  • I like making it reload on save when developing:
    while true; do ./s-n-s-bot.py & inotifywait -e modify s-n-s-bot.py; kill $(jobs -p); done
  • Alternatuvely make it a service:
    sudo ./systemd-service-generator.sh ${PWD##*/} "$PWD/venv/bin/python $PWD/s-n-s-bot.py"

How do I ivoke the bot?

Alice: @🤖, invite @Alice, @Bob, and @Charlie to Hangout after work
The bot will guide you through the rest - starting with asking the organizer @Alice to propose a time,


  • Waits for messages similar to:
    "@bot-user, invite @user1, @user2, [...], and @userN to Arbitrary text name of an event
  • Makes the person who said ^^^ that the organizer and current party asshole
  • Asks the asshole when is a good time for the party
  • Wait for replies to the "when" message
  • Parse the reply as a date 5 different ways and hope for consensus
  • If no date consensus, ask the asshole again (and wait for replies on both messages)
  • If date consensus, send a confirmation message and add thumbs reactions
  • Wait for thumbs to be added on
  • On a thumbs down, that user is the new asshole and must propose a new time
  • On final thumbs up it pings everyone and destroys the party


  • Save and load to saved-*.json
    • TODO: On load go over watched messages and sync state to reality in case activity was missed
    • TODO: instead of the default tempfile naming scheme use saved-<epoch with ns>.json
  • Edit old messsages to reflect that they're no longer actively watched
  • gCal API
    • associate a calendar with each user
    • TODO: 1 user can have many calendars mapped to specific ... events matching regex?
  • Edit thumbs messages to say "Still waiting on [@user, ...]" when thumbs are modified
  • Some incantation that can be used to destroy the party... maybe reply to the "when" message with "never"
  • Complain if a new date is not later than the old date, but succumb if it's repeated twice in a row