
Eisenhower Matrix for tasks built on Django

Primary LanguageHTML

Eisenhower Matrix usage

before you start

After cloning repo please do initialize underlying database via:

  • docker compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.dev.yml run web python manage.py migrate

Then you need to create Admin account for that DB

  • do it via: docker compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.dev.yml run web python manage.py createsuperuser
  • it will be available at <URL>/admin/
  • it will ask for username, email & password
  • don't use it for any activity inside app !!!
    • inside app create different users


  • python manage.py runserver or
  • python3 manage.py runserver


Before you can use app you need to register - click Register at right side of navigation bar (shortly navbar), fill form and click Sign Up.


Registration won't let you in. You must Log In using just registered credentials. After successful login you may use app - create new tasks and mark them according to rules of Eisenhower Matrix.

password reset

Whenever you want to restore forgotten password please click Forgot Password in navbar. Then provide email of user that was registered previously in app via navbar's Register link. If given email is wrong (was not registered or you've made typo) no action will happen - that is for security reasons.

development variant

Uncomment (if commented out) following lines inside settings.py:

EMAIL_BACKEND = "django.core.mail.backends.filebased.EmailBackend"
EMAIL_FILE_PATH = str(BASE_DIR.joinpath('sent_emails'))

After clicking navbar's Forgot Password, providing user's email and clicking Reset my password you will find reset password email dumped inside folder sent_emails. Go there and copy password reset link. Paste it in browser, fill new password, confirm same and click Change my password.

development variant 2 (using MailHog)

Run MailHog in docker. Then your settings.py need:

EMAIL_BACKEND = "django.core.mail.backends.smtp.EmailBackend"

After clicking navbar's Forgot Password, providing user's email and clicking Reset my password you will find reset password email displayed at Go there and copy password reset link. Paste it in browser, fill new password, confirm same and click Change my password.

production variant

Comment out lines from above "development variant" and uncomment (if commented out) following inside settings.py:

EMAIL_BACKEND = "django.core.mail.backends.smtp.EmailBackend"
EMAIL_HOST = 'smtp.sendgrid.net'
EMAIL_HOST_USER = 'apikey'
  1. It requires to setup account on https://sendgrid.com/ - "email forwarder" service
  2. Create there integration key: Setup Guide / Integrate / SMTP
  3. Put that key in environment variable SENDGRID_PASSWORD
    • API keys are at https://app.sendgrid.com/settings/api_keys.
      • for security reasons you won't be able to see API Key there
      • you just need to create new one (for first time or if you forgot old one)
      • then write it down somewhere and put into SENDGRID_PASSWORD env var
  4. Put your admin email inside environment variable DJANGO_SUPERUSER_EMAIL
    • CAUTION: double check which email is used for "email forwarding". It doesn't need to be same email which was used to register at SendGrid.
    • go to https://app.sendgrid.com/settings/sender_auth
    • find section "Single Sender verification"
    • click Verify a Single Sender and fill in that form:
      • those fields will map to created email fields
      • form's field From Email Address MUST BE FILLED WITH ADMIN email (created above in before you start)
      • after submitting form you need to click confirmation inside email send from SendGrid into your Admin-email
    • later on you can check configured senders at https://app.sendgrid.com/settings/sender_auth/senders
      • look for green tick at Verified column
  5. At Forgot Password form fill email of app user who wants to change password
    • I'll repeat once more - it may not be admin email
    • check inbox for that email - there will be reset password email


see all tasks

You have 3 variants of tasks list view:

  • table view tv - shows all details in table-list form
  • condensed list view tv
  • eisenhower matrix view tv

You select them via clicking proper icon in navbar.

You will always see only yours tasks. However, if you are logged in as admin you will see all tasks - but only at table view.

all other functionalities

Just play around - app should be intuitive :-)