
PZEM-004T Basic Test & ESP32, Arduino Nano, ESP8266, Arduino UNO + Shield Ethernet W5100, Python with Raspberry Pi.

Primary LanguageC++

Test Meter PZEM-004T with Arduino ESP32 ESP8266 Python & Raspberry Pi

Date 11-07-2018 PDAControl

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Description / Descripción

In this opportunity we will collect tests with my new electric consumption meter PZEM-004T by Peacefair and Arduino IDE making integrations with some of the most known hardware platforms ESP8266, Arduino Nano, ESP32, Arduino UNO + Shield Ethernet W5100 and Python in Raspberry Pi.

Contains 5 Folders:

En esta oportunidad recopilaremos pruebas con mi nuevo medidor de consumo eléctrico PZEM-004T de Peacefair y Arduino IDE realizando integraciones con algunas de las plataformas de hardware mas conocidas ESP8266, Arduino Nano,ESP32, Arduino UNO + Shield Ethernet W5100 y Python en Raspberry Pi .

Contiene 5 Carpetas:

Library / Librerias

  • PZEM004T.h - Arduino communication library for **Peacefair PZEM-004T Energy **.

Thanks olehs for contributing

Materials / Materiales

Mounting / Montajes

PZEM-004t with ESP8266 12E NodeMCU

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PZEM-004t with Arduino Nano "Ard-Nano"

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PZEM-004t with ESP32 DEVKIT

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PZEM-004t with Arduino UNO + Shield Ethernet W5100

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PZEM-004t with Raspberry Pi 3 Model B using Python

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Documentation / Documentación

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