Source code for this project is in file
Twitter REST API tools
Author: Greg Behm
This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.
Simplified interface for invoking commonly-used Twitter REST API endpoint
requests. Methods are invoked on an authenticated TwitterTools instance.
A few module functions are available for convenience, such as
This software is for personal use and demonstration only.
Any Twitter content collected with this software should be used
in accordance with Twitter's Terms of Service:
Read the Twitter Terms of Service, Twitter Developer Agreement,
and Twitter Developer Policy before collecting Twitter content
with this or any derivative software.
import pathlib
import pprint
import random
import twittertools
filepath = pathlib.Path.home().joinpath('.twitter', 'credentials.json')
twt = twittertools.TwitterTools(filepath)
print('All rate limits')
limits = twt.get_rate_limits()
print('"Statuses" rate limits')
limits = twt.get_rate_limits('statuses')
print('"Search tweets" rate limit')
limits = twt.get_rate_limits('search', '/search/tweets')
print('User profiles:')
screen_names = ['katyperry', 'BarackObama', 'pourmecoffee', 'Fahrenthold']
profiles = twt.get_user_profiles(screen_names=screen_names)
for profile in profiles:
twittertools.save_profiles(profiles, 'profiles.csv')
tweet = 'Twitter API Post Status test'
print(f'Post this tweet: {tweet}')
response = twt.post_status_update('Twitter API Post Status test')
if response:
tweet = dict(response.items())
tweets = twt.get_home_timeline()
print(f"Got {len(tweets)} tweets from authenticated user's home timeline")
tweets = twt.get_user_timeline()
print(f"Got {len(tweets)} tweets from authenticated user's status timeline")
twittertools.save_to_json(tweets, 'timeline.json')
print(f'Dumped {len(tweets)} tweets to JSON file')
tweets = twt.get_user_favorites()
print(f"Got {len(tweets)} tweets from authenticated user's favorites")
other_user = 'katyperry'
tweets = twt.get_user_timeline(other_user)
print(f"Got {len(tweets)} tweets from {other_user}'s status timeline")
tweets = twt.get_user_favorites(other_user)
print(f"Got {len(tweets)} tweets from {other_user}'s favorites")
ids = [889189252264853504, 881880194113556480]
print(f'Get tweets {ids} by id')
tweets = twt.get_tweets_by_id(ids)
for tweet in tweets:
# Get all trend locations
all_trend_places = twt.get_trend_locations()
print(f'Total places with trends available: {len(all_trend_places)}')
# Paris, France by coordinates
lat, lon = 48.858093, 2.294694
print(f'Places closest to ({lat}, {lon}):')
trend_places = twt.get_trend_locations((lat, lon))
for place in trend_places:
print(f" {place['name']} woeid {place['woeid']}")
trends = twt.get_trends(woeid=23424977)
print(f'U.S. Trends:')
for trend in trends:
print(f'Total U.S. Trends: {len(trends)}')
screen_name = 'RockyMtnInst'
connection_ids = twt.get_connection_ids(screen_name=screen_name, which='followers')
print(f'{screen_name} has {len(connection_ids)} Followers')
connection_ids = twt.get_connection_ids(screen_name=screen_name, which='friends')
print(f'{screen_name} Follows {len(connection_ids)} users')
print('Test the Twitter REST API Tweet Search, with randomly chosen trending topics')
trend_queries = set()
woeids = [place['woeid'] for place in all_trend_places]
for woeid in random.sample(woeids, 10):
trends = twt.get_trends(woeid=woeid)
for trend in trends:
print(f'Trend queries random sample size: {len(trend_queries)}')
tweets = []
for query in random.sample(trend_queries, 200):
result = twt.search_tweets(query, max_requests=1)
print(f'Total tweets from trend searches: {len(tweets)}')
twittertools.save_tweets(tweets, 'tweets.csv')