ECMAScript parser written in TypeScript using ANTL(EBNF) for grammar and lexer generation that generates ESTree-compatible AST.
- Fully supported ECMAScript 2020
- ESTree Spec compliant
- Well tested ~1000 unit tests
npm install --save delven-js
import ASTParser from "./ASTParser"
const code = `let x = ()=> {1}`
const ast = ASTParser.parse({ type: "code", value: code });
"type": "Program",
"body": [
"type": "VariableDeclaration",
"declarations": [
"type": "VariableDeclarator",
"id": {
"type": "Identifier",
"name": "x"
"init": {
"type": "ArrowFunctionExpression",
"id": null,
"params": [],
"body": {
"type": "Literal",
"value": 1,
"raw": "1",
"start": 0,
"end": 0
"generator": false,
"expression": true,
"async": false
"kind": "let"
"sourceType": "module",
"start": 0,
"end": 0
Notes on why certain thing have been done and how they has been overcomed.
nvm cache clear
nvm install v14.5.0
nvm use v14.5.0
npm install
npx babel --watch src --out-dir dist --extensions '.ts' --source-maps inline
antlr4 -Dlanguage=JavaScript *.g4 -o ../parser -visitor -no-listener
npx eslint ./src/
Enable / Disable trace warnings
Warning: Accessing non-existent property 'INVALID_ALT_NUMBER' of module exports inside circular dependency
node --trace-warnings ./dist/index
node --no-warnings ./dist/index
ANTL grammar based on the official ANTL4 ecma/javascript grammar
This build includes fixes to both grammars and ANTL javascript runtimes.
Grammar is annotated with footnotes that descbe why it diverged from the main. Pull reuqest are in place to have them merged into main.
See #6
footnone : Fix null check in ./node_modules/antlr4/Utils.js
This is necessary so the expression in form will be evaluated as NewExpression
with 3 nodes(NEW singleExpression arguments?) and not as NewExpression
with 2 nodes(NEW singleExpression) where singleExpression
is a ArgumentsExpression
let x = new z(...k)
| New singleExpression arguments? # NewExpression // GB:footnote 4
| New '.' identifier # MetaExpression //
| singleExpression arguments # ArgumentsExpression
Issue with () => {}
resolving as object literal while it should have been an arrow function
with empty BlockStatement
There are two issues with YieldStatement
- Inifnitive loop causing stackoverflow.
- Not properly handling generator functions
yield *fun()
Issue #1 was fixed by removing 'eos' from original rule.
Issue #2 was fixed by adding support to handle Yield
with generatators.
Broke down declaration into two separate rules, order here is important as the yield start will get evaluated
as MuliplicativeExpression
due to singleExpression
being produced by expressionSequence
Original EBNF
: Yield ({this.notLineTerminator()}? expressionSequence)? eos
Updated EBNF
: Yield {this.notLineTerminator()} ('*')? expressionSequence
| Yield eos
Reference : [] []
In original grammar singleExpression
evaluates export default function (){}
as ExportDefaultDeclaration > FunctionExpression
instead of an ExportDefaultDeclaration > FunctionDeclaration
. This same thing goes for Class export default class{}
Original EBNF
: Export (exportFromBlock | declaration) eos # ExportDeclaration
| Export Default singleExpression eos # ExportDefaultDeclaration // GB Footnote 7
Updated EBNF
: Export (exportFromBlock | declaration) eos # ExportDeclaration
| Export Default (classDeclaration | functionDeclaration | singleExpression) eos # ExportDefaultDeclaration // GB Footnote 7
There are two primary issues here.
First there is an incomplete rule
There is an incomplete definition for the grammar that down not handle spec new MemberExpression[?Yield, ?Await] Arguments[?Yield, ?Await]
this causes the rule to fall through and be handled by NewExpression
To solve this we added following alternative rule MemberNewExpression
New singleExpression '.' identifierName arguments # MemberNewExpression // GB: Footnote 8
Property generated AST needs to look as follows
new foo // NewExpression[Type = Identifier]
new foo() // NewExpression[Type = Identifier]
new // NewExpression[Type = MemberExpression]
new // NewExpression[Type = MemberExpression]
new // NewExpression[Type = MemberExpression] > MemberExpression
new foo().bar(a) // CallExpression[Type = MemberExpression] > NewExpression[Type = Identifier]
new foo[1].bar(a) // NewExpression[Type = MemberExpression]
new {}.test() // NewExpression[type=MemberExpression] > ObjectExpression
new {}().test() // CallExpression[type=MemberExpression] > NewExpression > ObjectExpression
AST should be equivalent for all the expressions
new {}
new {}()
new []
new []()
new foo
new foo()
Second issue is that the MemberXXXExpression
rules need to be pulled up to be resolved before NewExpression
rules to make sure that they resolved in proper order as per spec []
NewExpression[Yield, Await]:
MemberExpression[?Yield, ?Await]
new NewExpression[?Yield, ?Await]
Long term solution here is to break appart singleExpression
to make make clear distintion between MemberExpression
and NewExpression
In interum we add just adding additional MemberXXXExpression
expressions to singleExpression
There is nothing wrong with existing grammar but this makes it simpler and follows the naming from the specification
classTail // GB : Footnote 11
: classHeritage? '{' classElement* '}'
: Extends singleExpression
antlr/grammars-v4#1553 antlr/grammars-v4#1580
RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded at Hash.update (/home/gbugaj/devio/delven-transpiler/node_modules/antlr4/Utils.js:338:34) at Hash.update (/home/gbugaj/devio/delven-transpiler/node_modules/antlr4/Utils.js:344:25) at AND.updateHashCode (/home/gbugaj/devio/delven-transpiler/node_modules/antlr4/atn/SemanticContext.js:245:10) at Hash.update (/home/gbugaj/devio/delven-transpiler/node_modules/antlr4/Utils.js:360:31) at ATNConfig.hashCodeForConfigSet (/home/gbugaj/devio/delven-transpiler/node_modules/antlr4/atn/ATNConfig.js:110:10) at Set.hashATNConfig [as hashFunction] (/home/gbugaj/devio/delven-transpiler/node_modules/antlr4/atn/ATNConfigSet.js:21:11) at Set.add (/home/gbugaj/devio/delven-transpiler/node_modules/antlr4/Utils.js:96:21) at ATNConfigSet.add (/home/gbugaj/devio/delven-transpiler/node_modules/antlr4/atn/ATNConfigSet.js:99:35) at ParserATNSimulator.closure_ (/home/gbugaj/devio/delven-transpiler/node_modules/antlr4/atn/ParserATNSimulator.js:1263:17) at ParserATNSimulator.closureCheckingStopState (/home/gbugaj/devio/delven-transpiler/node_modules/antlr4/atn/ParserATNSimulator.js:1254:10)
Causes ERROR ::
class x extends y { }
class x extends function() {} {}
class x extends class x {} {} {}
/home/greg/dev/ throw re; ^
RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded at ParserATNSimulator.canDropLoopEntryEdgeInLeftRecursiveRule (/home/greg/dev/ at ParserATNSimulator.closure_ (/home/greg/dev/ at ParserATNSimulator.closureCheckingStopState (/home/greg/dev/ at ParserATNSimulator.closure_ (/home/greg/dev/ at ParserATNSimulator.closureCheckingStopState (/home/greg/dev/ at ParserATNSimulator.closure_ (/home/greg/dev/ at ParserATNSimulator.closureCheckingStopState (/home/greg/dev/ at ParserATNSimulator.closure_ (/home/greg/dev/ at ParserATNSimulator.closureCheckingStopState (/home/greg/dev/ at ParserATNSimulator.closure_ (/home/greg/dev/