
Small library for Local Binary Pattern Matching

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

TODO / Implement

Noise reduction by using a threashold


Efficient Spatio-Temporal Local Binary Patterns for Spontaneous Facial Micro-Expression Recognition https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4438071/

A CO-TRAINING APPROACH TO AUTOMATIC FACE RECOGNITION https://www.researchgate.net/figure/LBP-face-recognition_fig2_258936085

Matlab extractLBPFeatures https://www.mathworks.com/help/vision/ref/extractlbpfeatures.html


Catch2 Testing Framework

Test cases are build with Catch2 test framework

Distance measures

Some build info

C++17 Required

An official test PPA:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install gcc-7 gcc-7 --version Not available in 16.10.

It looks like 17.10 will have it by default: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gcc-7

GCC 7 was release in May 2017, so too late for 17.04 main release.

http://www.cse.psu.edu/~rtc12/CSE598G/LKintro_6pp.pdf https://docs.opencv.org/2.4/modules/imgproc/doc/object_detection.html?highlight=matchtemplate#matchtemplate https://docs.opencv.org/2.4/doc/tutorials/imgproc/histograms/template_matching/template_matching.html

Manhatan Distance Instead of Hamming Distance

PIX* pdata = normalize(pix, 0, 0, 0, 0);

int_t w = pdata->w;
int_t h = pdata->h;

// Horizontal * Vertical blocks
int_t hbin = 1;
int_t vbin = 1;

int binsize = 256;
int bins = hbin * vbin;
int nbin = bins * binsize;

int hs = ceil((double) h / (double) hbin);
int ws = ceil((double) w / (double) vbin);

std::cout<<"\n hbin = "<< hbin;
std::cout<<"\n wbin = "<< vbin;
std::cout<<"\n bins = "<< bins;
std::cout<<"\n hs = "<< hs;
std::cout<<"\n ws = "<< ws;
std::cout<<"\n nbin = "<< nbin;

LBPModel featureHistogram(nbin);

PIX* pixUniform = pixCreate(w, h, 8);
PIX* pixNonUniform = pixCreate(w, h, 8);

pixSetResolution(pixUniform, 300, 300);
pixSetResolution(pixNonUniform, 300, 300);

// Uniform descriptors
// 0000 0000  (0 Transitions : Uniform)    0x0
// 1110 0011  (2 Transitions : Uniform)    0xE3
// 0101 0000  (4 Transitions : NonUniform) 0x50
// 0000 1010  (4 Transitions : NonUniform) 0xA
// 0000 1001  (3 Transitions : NonUniform) 0x9

int index = 0;
std::cout <<"\n";
std::set <int> unique;

int a = 2;

for (int row = 0; row < vbin; ++row)
    for (int col = 0; col < hbin; ++col)
        index = row * vbin + col;
        int offset = index * binsize;
        int ystart = row * hs;
        int xstart = col * ws;

// std::cout<<" indexs = "<< index << " pos : " << ystart << ":"<<ystart << ", offset : " << offset << std::endl; for (int_t y = std::max(1, ystart), yend = std::min(ystart + hs, h - 1); y < yend; ++y) { for (int_t x = std::max(1, xstart), xend = std::min(xstart + ws, w - 1); x < xend; ++x) { l_int32 p0 = pixAtGetSan(pdata, x, y , w , h); // Center l_int32 p1 = pixAtGetSan(pdata, x - 1, y - 1, w , h); l_int32 p2 = pixAtGetSan(pdata, x, y - 1, w , h); l_int32 p3 = pixAtGetSan(pdata, x + 1, y - 1, w , h); l_int32 p4 = pixAtGetSan(pdata, x + 1, y , w , h); l_int32 p5 = pixAtGetSan(pdata, x + 1, y + 1, w , h); l_int32 p6 = pixAtGetSan(pdata, x , y + 1, w , h); l_int32 p7 = pixAtGetSan(pdata, x - 1, y + 1, w , h); l_int32 p8 = pixAtGetSan(pdata, x - 1, y , w , h);

                l_uint8 m =  (p0 + p1 + p2 + p3 + p4 + p5 + p6 + p7 + p8) / 9;

                l_uint8 out = 0;
                out += sign(p1, p0 + a) * std::pow(2, 0);
                out += sign(p2, p0 + a) * std::pow(2, 1);
                out += sign(p3, p0 + a) * std::pow(2, 2);
                out += sign(p4, p0 + a) * std::pow(2, 3);
                out += sign(p5, p0 + a) * std::pow(2, 4);
                out += sign(p6, p0 + a) * std::pow(2, 5);
                out += sign(p7, p0 + a) * std::pow(2, 6);
                out += sign(p8, p0 + a) * std::pow(2, 7);

                l_uint8  out = 0;
                out |=   ((p0 > p1) << 7)
                       | ((p0 > p2) << 6)
                       | ((p0 > p3) << 5)
                       | ((p0 > p4) << 4)
                       | ((p0 > p5) << 3)
                       | ((p0 > p6) << 2)
                       | ((p0 > p7) << 1)
                       | ((p0 > p8) << 0);

*/ // Check if the bit string is a uniform pattern auto uniform = false; auto tran = transition_lbp(out);

                if(tran <= 2)
                    uniform = true;

                    std::bitset<CHAR_BIT * sizeof(byte_t)> bs(out);
                    std::bitset<CHAR_BIT * sizeof(byte_t)> bsv(m);

                    std::cout << "pos [" << std::dec << std::setw(4) << x <<"," << std::setw(4) << y << "] " << (int)p0 << " :: "<<(int) m << " 0x"

                              << std::setw(8) << std::hex  << (int) out << " : "
                              << std::setw(4) << std::dec << (int)out << " :: " << bs <<  "  variance " <<  bsv <<" trans : " <<tran<< std::endl;

                ++featureHistogram.bins[offset + static_cast<int>(out)];

                    unique.insert((unsigned int)out);
                    //std::cout<< (unsigned int) out <<"|";
                    pixAtSet(pixUniform, x, y, out);
                    pixAtSet(pixNonUniform, x, y, out);

            BOX*  box    = boxCreate(xstart,ystart,ws, hs);
            PIX*  snip   = pixClipRectangle(pix, box, NULL);

            char f[255];
            sprintf(f, "/tmp/lbp-matcher/box-%d-%d.png", row, col);
            pixWritePng(f, snip, 0);

pixWritePng("/home/gbugaj/share/devbox/data1/lbp-uniform.png", pixUniform, 1);
pixWritePng("/home/gbugaj/share/devbox/data1/lbp-nonuniform.png", pixNonUniform, 1);


//std::cout<<" \n Set : " << unique.size();
//std::cout<<" Histogram : \n " << featureHistogram;

   std::cout<< " START \n ";
for(int i =0, s = featureHistogram.size; i< s; ++i)
    std::cout<< std::dec<< featureHistogram.bins[i] << "\n";
return featureHistogram;