
My i3 configuration

GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

My i3 setup

This is my confguration file for the i3 window manager

i3 Controls

On an apple keyboard Mod4 = Command, on a windows keyboard Mod4 = alt.

Mod4 + enter = Open terminal emulator

Mod4 + Shift + q = [q]uit

Mod4 + [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0] = switch to desktop number

Mod4 + Shift + [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0] = move window to desktop number

Mod4 + f = [f]ullscreen

Mod4 + Shift + [up,down,left,right] = move selected window

Mod4 + t = use [t]abbed mode

Mod4 + p = select [p]arent

Mod4 + Shift + o = toggle floating window

In addition, there are keys added for muting, increasing, and decreasing volume.


This is what my i3bar looks like:

Ethernet 192.168.x.x at xxx xbit/s | 0.93 | ♪ 0% | xxx GiB Disk Space | Tuesday July 23 6:59:20 xx xx

which corresponds to: Ethernet usage | cpu usage with respect to cores | audio volume | Disk space left | date, time, other app icons


put the "config" file at ~/.config/i3/ put the .i3status.conf at ~/