
Simple Simulations in Python with PyGame

Primary LanguagePython

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Pygame Simulations

Simple PyGame Demos

Navigate to the directory

$ cd Game_stuff

Move a ball with WASD, with friction simple physics.

$ python3 not_tests/acceleration.py

Applies a blur filter each pixel's neighborhood.

$ python3 not_tests/blur.py

The 1-dimensional cellular automaton rule 122, which generates chaotic behavior. Might be turing complete?

$ python3 not_tests/elementary_cellular_automaton.py

Flood fill around the cursor, inspired by a game somewhere.

$ python3 not_tests/floodit.py

Sort pixels according to colors, I thought it looked cool

$ python3 not_tests/sifts_sift.py

A statically rendered mandelbrot set.

$ python3 not_tests/simplemandlebrot.py

The "Traffic" cellular automaton, that simulates deadlock. Each cell moves either right or down, but a cell cannot move into an occupied cell.

$ python3 not_tests/trafficca.py

Bezier curves

$ python3 tests/bezier_curves_test.py

Voronoi diagram, with auxiliary shapes

$ python3 tests/voronoi_test.py

Bitmapped drawing

$ python3 tests/doodles_grid_test.py

Finding the convex hull of a set of points. The points randomly move around.

$ python3 tests/wrapping_test.py

I forget what this algorithm is called, but it finds the shortest path from one place to another on a 2D grid.

$ python3 tests/maze_ca_test.py