
Implementation of the spotlight: a method for discovering systematic errors in deep learning models

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

The Spotlight: A General Method for Discovering Systematic Errors in Deep Learning Models

This repository is the official implementation of "The Spotlight: A General Method for Discovering Systematic Errors in Deep Learning Models" (under submission at NeurIPS 2021). It includes:

  • Training code for FairFace and X-ray classifiers
  • Code for running the spotlight (inference passes and spotlight optimizer)
  • Analysis notebooks used to visualize results in paper



To install requirements for training and running spotlights:

pip install -r requirements.txt

For analysis notebooks, we used Singularity to run the scipy-notebook Jupyter Docker stack.


Our experiments use the following datasets. Set the environment variable DATA_DIR appropriately:

  • $DATA_DIR/fairface: FairFace, using the padding=0.25 version of the dataset
  • $DATA_DIR/imagenet: ImageNet
  • $DATA_DIR/amazon: Amazon Polarity
  • $DATA_DIR/squad: SQuAD
  • $DATA_DIR/movielens: MovieLens 100k, from Graham, Hartford et al.'s implementation of DeepSet
  • $DATA_DIR/xray: X-ray

Training Scripts

For two of the domains in the paper, we train classifiers using standard architectures and training methods. These scripts assume that DATA_DIR and MODEL_DIR have been set appropriately:


python train_fairface.py --checkpoint_dir $MODEL_DIR/fairface


python train_xray.py


We include inference scripts for each model, saving final-layer embeddings along with model outputs and losses:

  • inference_fairface.py (FairFace)
  • inference_imagenet.py (ImageNet)
  • inference_amazon.py (Amazon Polarity)
  • inference_squad.py (SQuAD)
  • inference_movielens.py (MovieLens)
  • inference_xray.py (X-ray)


The spotlight is implemented as a command-line utility in spotlight/run_spotlight.py. The specific commands that we ran in our experiments are listed in:

  • spotlights_fairface.sh (FairFace)
  • spotlights_imagenet.sh (ImageNet)
  • spotlights_amazon.sh (Amazon Polarity)
  • spotlights_squad.sh (SQuAD)
  • spotlights_movielens.sh (MovieLens)
  • spotlights_xray.sh (X-ray)


The results shown in our paper are produced by analyzing examples in each dataset that are given high weights by the spotlights. We include our spotlight weights in spotlight_outputs/, and Jupyter notebooks to visualize these results in analysis.ipynb and analysis_nlp.ipynb (for image/recommender systems and NLP models, respectively).