Coderpad Frontend Code Challenge

Getting started

To run the code challenge you will need a version of node installed >=12.0.0.

Download this repo then run the following command in a terminal at the repo root:

npm install

This will install all the dependencies required to run the code challenge.

Run the local server

To boot up the app run the following command in a terminal at the repo root:

npm run dev

Then navigate to http://localhost:3000 in your browser.

The Challenge

The objective of the frontend code challenge is to create a UI which displays the ID, Name and Email address of a selected user. When a user is selected from the drop down list, the ID, Name and Email address of the selected user should be displayed. Only one user should be displayed at a time.


Steps to implement:

  • Replace the code in src/App.tsx with your updates to produce the required UI.
  • Store the response from the API request in state as a User object.
  • Use side effects to update the User object based on the selection in the drop down.
  • Only render the User object if the User object is defined.
  • Ensure the code is type safe, update the App component from JS to TS.