Topic-Focused Extractive Summarization

This code is for paper: Topic-Focused Extractive Summarization (

Python version: This code is in Python3.7

Package Requirements: pytorch sklearn numpy rouge transformers allennlp_models nltk tqdm allennlp spacy

Data Preparation For CNN/Dailymail

Step 1 Download Stories

Download and unzip the stories directories from here for both CNN and Daily Mail. Put all .story files for your domain (you'll have to filter them yourself) in one directory (e.g. ../raw_stories)

Step 2. Jsonify Stories

python -mode jsonify -raw_path RAW_PATH -dataset_name DATASET_NAME
  • RAW_PATH is the directory containing story files (../raw_stories)
  • DATASET_NAME is the name you're choosing for the dataset containing all your stories - this will be used for all actions concerning this data moving forward. It also determines the target directory to save the generated json files (../data/DATASET_NAME/raw/*.json)

Step 3. Extract BERT Tokens and Linear Features

python -mode bert_tokens_and_linear_features -dataset_name DATASET_NAME [-overwrite]
  • This extracts linear features and BERT tokens for each document in a dataset to ../data/DATASET_NAME/linear/ and ../data/DATASET_NAME/bert/ respectively, with train/, test/ and val/ subdirectories in each
  • DATASET_NAME is the name of the dataset for which to extract tokens/features, json files for documents are extracted based on this
  • If -overwrite is set and train/test/val files have already been written for this dataset, then they are overwritten with a new train/test/val split, otherwise the procedure exits

Step 4. Construct Oracle Extractive Summaries

python -mode construct_oracles -dataset_name DATASET_NAME [-vanilla_oracles]
  • DATASET_NAME is the name of the dataset for which to construct oracle extractive summaries, they are saved in ../data/DATASET_NAME/raw/oracles.json
  • If -vanilla_oracles is set, then the vanilla oracle construction algorithm is used (see code for details)

Step 5. Get Topic Representations for Summaries

python -mode topic_clustering -dataset_name DATASET_NAME
  • DATASET_NAME is the name of the dataset for which to generate topic representations for summaries, they are saved in ../data/DATASET_NAME/raw/topics.json

Model Training

python -dataset_name DATASET_NAME -model_type MODEL_TYPE -topic TOPIC -batch_size BATCH -epochs EPOCHS [-mini]
  • DATASET_NAME is the name of the dataset for which to train a model of topic TOPIC and MODEL_TYPE is the type of model to train (linear or bert), models are saved in ../models/DATASET_NAME/MODEL_TYPE/ as either TOPIC/ for BERT models or for Linear models
  • Recommended BATCH for BERT model is 1, and for Linear model is 16
  • Recommended EPOCHS for BERT model is 4 and for Linear model is 100
  • If BERT model keeps running into memory on your documents because they're too long, try -mini - this will shorten all documents to k=10 sentences, preserving the oracle, for training.

System Evaluation

After models for all topics have been trained, run

python -dataset_name DATASET_NAME -model_type MODEL_TYPE -mode MODE [-topics TOPICS] [-write]
  • DATASET_NAME is the name of the dataset for which to test the system using models of type MODEL_TYPE (linear or bert)
  • MODE can be vanilla, reconstruct or ranking, these are three different evaluation schemes
  • TOPICS is of the form 1 2 3 4
  • -topics is only used for when MODE is vanilla, it is the list of topics for which to build a summary - for other modes all topics are used. If this is not specified for vanilla all topics are assumed
  • If -write is set, the summaries produced during evaluation are written to ../results/DATASET_NAME/MODEL_TYPE_MODE_[TOPICS].txt