
cairo-vm.go is a Go implementation of the Cairo VM. Cairo (CPU Algebraic Intermediate Representation) is a programming language for writing provable programs, where one party can prove to another that a certain computation was executed correctly without the need for this party to re-execute the same program.

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


This is a work in progress implementation of the Cairo VM in Go. The reasons for doing this include:

  • Having a diversity of implementations helps find bugs and make the whole ecosystem more resilient.
  • It's a good opportunity to extensively document the VM in general, as currently the documentation on its internals is very scarce and mostly lives on the minds of a few people.

Other docs


Go needs to be installed. For mac computers, run

brew install go

We also use pyenv to install testing-related dependencies

Compiling, running, testing

First, install the testing dependencies:

  • On Linux, run
make deps
  • On MacOS, run
make deps-macos

To build the project, run:

make build

To run all tests, activate the venv created by make deps and run the test target:

. cairo-vm-env/bin/activate
make test

Running the demo

This project currently has two demo targets, one for running a fibonacci programs and one for running a factorial program. Both of them output their corresponding trace files. The demo uses cairo_lang to compile both cairo programs, you can install it by running make deps (or make deps-macos if you are on macos)

To run the fibonacci demo:

make demo_fibonacci

To run the factorial demo:

make demo_factorial

Project Guidelines

  • PRs addressing performance are forbidden. We are currently concerned with making it work without bugs and nothing more.
  • All PRs must contain tests. Code coverage has to be above 98%.
  • To check for security and other types of bugs, the code will be fuzzed extensively.
  • PRs must be accompanied by its corresponding documentation. A book will be written documenting the entire inner workings of it, so anyone can dive in to a Cairo VM codebase and follow it along.


First milestone: Fibonacci/Factorial

The first milestone for Cairo VM in Go is completed! 🎉

The milestone includes:

  • Parsing of json programs.
  • Decoding of instructions.
  • Memory relocation.
  • Instruction execution.
  • Writing of the trace into files with the correct format.
  • Make the fibonacci and factorial tests pass, comparing our own trace with the Rust VM one, making sure they match.
  • Writing of the memory into files with the correct format.
  • Make the fibonacci and factorial tests pass, comparing our own memory with the Rust VM one, making sure they match.


Cairo 0/Cairo 1

The above will work for Cairo 0 programs. Cairo 1 has the following extra issues to address:

  • There is no Json representation of a Cairo 1 Program, so we can only run contracts. This means we will have to add functions to run cairo contracts (aka implement run_from_entrypoint).
  • Cairo 1 contracts use the range_check builtin by default, so we need to implement it.

Full VM implementation

To have a full implementation, we will need the following:

  • Builtins. Add the BuiltinRunner logic, then implement each builtin:
    • Range check (RC)
    • Output
    • Bitwise
    • Ec_op
    • Pedersen
    • Keccak
    • Poseidon
    • Signature
    • Segment Arena
  • Memory layouts. This is related to builtins but we will do it after implementing them.
  • Hints. Add the HintProcessor logic, then implement each hint. Hints need to be documented extensively, implementing them is super easy since it's just porting code; what's not so clear is what they are used for. Having explanations and examples for each is important. List of hints below:
    • Parsing of references
    • CommonLib
    • Secp
    • Vrf
    • BigInt
    • Blake2
    • DictManager
    • EcRecover
    • Field Arithmetic
    • Garaga
    • set_add
    • sha256 utils
    • ECDSA verification
    • uint384 and uint384 extension
    • uint512 utils
    • Cairo 1 hints.
  • Proof mode. It's important to explain in detail what this is when we do it. It's one of the most obscure parts of the VM in my experience.
  • Air Public inputs. (Tied to Proof-mode)
  • Temporary segments.
  • Program tests from Cairo VM in Rust.
  • Fuzzing/Differential fuzzing.


High Level Overview

The Cairo virtual machine is meant to be used in the context of STARK validity proofs. What this means is that the point of Cairo is not just to execute some code and get a result, but to prove to someone else that said execution was done correctly, without them having to re-execute the entire thing. The rough flow for it looks like this:

  • A user writes a Cairo program.
  • The program is compiled into Cairo's VM bytecode.
  • The VM executes said code and provides a trace of execution, i.e. a record of the state of the machine and its memory at every step of the computation.
  • This trace is passed on to a STARK prover, which creates a cryptographic proof from it, attesting to the correct execution of the program.
  • The proof is passed to a verifier, who checks that the proof is valid in a fraction of a second, without re-executing.

The main three components of this flow are:

While this repo is only concerned with the second component, it's important to keep in mind the other two; especially important are the prover and verifier that this VM feeds its trace to, as a lot of its design decisions come from them. This virtual machine is designed to make proving and verifying both feasible and fast, and that makes it quite different from most other VMs you are probably used to.

Basic VM flow

Our virtual machine has a very simple flow:

  • Take a compiled cairo program as input. You can check out an example program here.
  • Run the bytecode from the compiled program, doing the usual fetch->decode->execute loop, running until program termination.
  • On every step of the execution, record the values of each register.
  • Take the register values and memory at every step and write them to a file, called the execution trace.

Barring some simplifications we made, this is all the Cairo VM does. The two main things that stand out as radically different are the memory model and the use of Field Elements to perform arithmetic. Below we go into more detail on each step, and in the process explain the ommisions we made.


The Cairo virtual machine uses a Von Neumann architecture with a Non-deterministic read-only memory. What this means, roughly, is that memory is immutable after you've written to it (i.e. you can only write to it once); this is to make the STARK proving easier, but we won't go into that here.

Memory Segments and Relocation

The process of memory allocation in a contiguous write-once memory region can get pretty complicated. Imagine you want to have a regular call stack, with a stack pointer pointing to the top of it and allocation and deallocation of stack frames and local variables happening throughout execution. Because memory is immutable, this cannot be done the usual way; once you allocate a new stack frame that memory is set, it can't be reused for another one later on.

Because of this, memory in Cairo is divided into segments. This is just a way of organizing memory more conveniently for this write-once model. Each segment is nothing more than a contiguous memory region. Segments are identified by an index, an integer value that uniquely identifies them.

Memory cells (i.e. values in memory) are identified by the index of the segment they belong to and an offset into said segment. Thus, the memory cell {2,0} is the first cell of segment number 2.

Even though this segment model is extremely convenient for the VM's execution, the STARK prover needs to have the memory as just one contiguous region. Because of this, once execution of a Cairo program finishes, all the memory segments are collapsed into one; this process is called Relocation. We will go into more detail on all of this below.


There are only three registers in the Cairo VM:

  • The program counter pc, which points to the next instruction to be executed.
  • The allocation pointer ap, pointing to the next unused memory cell.
  • The frame pointer fp, pointing to the base of the current stack frame. When a new function is called, fp is set to the current ap. When the function returns, fp goes back to its previous value. The VM creates new segments whenever dynamic allocation is needed, so for example the cairo analog to a Rust Vec will have its own segment. Relocation at the end meshes everything together.

Instruction Decoding/Execution

TODO: explain the components of an instruction (dst_reg, op0_reg, etc), what each one is used for and how they're encoded/decoded.


Felts, or Field Elements, are cairo's basic integer type. Every variable in a cairo vm that is not a pointer is a felt. From our point of view we could say a felt in cairo is an unsigned integer in the range [0, CAIRO_PRIME). This means that all operations are done modulo CAIRO_PRIME. The CAIRO_PRIME is 0x800000000000011000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001, which means felts can be quite big (up to 252 bits), luckily, we have the Lambdaworks library to help with handling these big integer values and providing fast and efficient modular arithmetic.

Lambdaworks library wrapper

Lambdaworks is a custom performance-focused library that aims to ease programming for developers. It provides essential mathematical and cryptographic methods required for this project, enabling arithmetic operations between felts and type conversions efficiently. We've developed a C wrapper to expose the library's functions and enable easy usage from Go. This allows seamless integration of the library's features within Go projects, enhancing performance and functionality.

More on memory

The cairo memory is made up of contiguous segments of variable length identified by their index. The first segment (index 0) is the program segment, which stores the instructions of a cairo program. The following segment (index 1) is the execution segment, which holds the values that are created along the execution of the vm, for example, when we call a function, a pointer to the next instruction after the call instruction will be stored in the execution segment which will then be used to find the next instruction after the function returns. The following group of segments are the builtin segments, one for each builtin used by the program, and which hold values used by the builtin runners. The last group of segments are the user segments, which represent data structures created by the user, for example, when creating an array on a cairo program, that array will be represented in memory as its own segment.

An address (or pointer) in cairo is represented as a relocatable value, which is made up of a segment_index and an offset, the segment_index tells us which segment the value is stored in and the offset tells us how many values exist between the start of the segment and the value.

As the cairo memory can hold both felts and pointers, the basic memory unit is a maybe_relocatable, a variable that can be either a relocatable or a felt.

While memory is continous, some gaps may be present. These gaps can be created on purpose by the user, for example by running:

[ap + 1] = 2;

Where a gap is created at ap. But they may also be created indireclty by diverging branches, as for example one branch may declare a variable that the other branch doesn't, as memory needs to be allocated for both cases if the second case is ran then a gap is left where the variable should have been written.

Memory API

The memory can perform the following basic operations:

  • memory_add_segment: Creates a new, empty segment in memory and returns a pointer to its start. Values cannot be inserted into a memory segment that hasn't been previously created.

  • memory_insert: Inserts a maybe_relocatable value at an address indicated by a relocatable pointer. For this operation to succeed, the pointer's segment_index must be an existing segment (created using memory_add_segment), and there mustn't be a value stored at that address, as the memory is immutable after its been written once. If there is a value already stored at that address but it is equal to the value to be inserted then the operation will be successful.

  • memory_get: Fetches a maybe_relocatable value from a memory address indicated by a relocatable pointer.

Other operations:

  • memory_load_data: This is a convenience method, which takes an array of maybe_relocatable and inserts them contiguosuly in memory by calling memory_insert and advancing the pointer by one after each insertion. Returns a pointer to the next free memory slot after the inserted data.
Memory Relocation

During execution, the memory consists of segments of varying length, and they can be accessed by indicating their segment index, and the offset within that segment. When the run is finished, a relocation process takes place, which transforms this segmented memory into a contiguous list of values. The relocation process works as follows:

  1. The size of each segment is calculated (The size is equal to the highest offset within the segment + 1, and not the amount of maybe_relocatable values, as there can be gaps)
  2. A base is assigned to each segment by accumulating the size of the previous segment. The first segment's base is set to 1.
  3. All relocatable values are converted into a single integer by adding their offset value to their segment's base calculated in the previous step

For example, if we have this memory represented by address, value pairs:

    0:0 -> 1
    0:1 -> 4
    0:2 -> 7
    1:0 -> 8
    1:1 -> 0:2
    1:4 -> 0:1
    2:0 -> 1

Step 1: Calculate segment sizes:

    0 --(has size)--> 3
    1 --(has size)--> 5
    2 --(has size)--> 1

Step 2: Assign a base to each segment:

    0 --(has base value)--> 1
    1 --(has base value)--> 4 (that is: 1 + 3)
    2 --(has base value)--> 9 (that is: 4 + 5)

Step 3: Convert relocatables to integers

    1 (base[0] + 0) -> 1
    2 (base[0] + 1) -> 4
    3 (base[0] + 2) -> 7
    4 (base[1] + 0) -> 8
    5 (base[1] + 1) -> 3 (that is: base[0] + 2)
    .... (memory gaps)
    8 (base[1] + 4) -> 2 (that is: base[0] + 1)
    9 (base[2] + 0) -> 1

Program parsing

The input of the Virtual Machine is a compiled Cairo program in Json format. The main part of the file are listed below:

  • data: List of hexadecimal values that represent the instructions and immediate values defined in the cairo program. Each hexadecimal value is stored as a maybe_relocatable element in memory, but they can only be felts because the decoder has to be able to get the instruction fields in its bit representation.

  • debug_info: This field provides information about the instructions defined in the data list. Each one is identified with its index inside the data list. For each one it contains information about the cairo variables in scope, the hints executed before that instruction if any, and its location inside the cairo program.

  • hints: All the hints used in the program, ordered by the pc offset at which they should be executed.

  • identifiers: User-defined symbols in the Cairo code representing variables, functions, classes, etc. with unique names. The expected offset, type and its corresponding information is provided for each identifier

    For example, the identifier representing the main function (usually the entrypoint of the program) is of function type, and a list of decorators wrappers (if there are any) are provided as additional information. Another example is a user defined struct, is of struct type, it provides its size, the members it contains (with its information) and more.

  • main_scope: Usually something like __main__. All the identifiers associated with main function will be identified as __main__.identifier_name. Useful to identify the entrypoint of the program.

  • prime: The cairo prime in hexadecimal format. As explained above, all arithmetic operations are done over a base field, modulo this primer number.

  • reference_manager: Contains information about cairo variables. This information is useful to access to variables when executing cairo hints.

In this project, we use a C++ library called simdjson, the json is stored in a custom structure which the vm can use to run the program and create a trace of its execution.

Code walkthrough/Write your own Cairo VM

Let's begin by creating the basic types and structures for our VM:


As anyone who has ever written a cairo program will know, everything in cairo is a Felt. We can think of it as our unsigned integer. In this project, we use the Lambdaworks library to abstract ourselves from modular arithmetic.

TODO: Instructions on how to use Lambdaworks felt from Go


This is how cairo represents pointers, they are made up of SegmentIndex, which segment the variable is in, and Offset, how many values exist between the start of a segment and the variable. We represent them like this:

type Relocatable struct {
    SegmentIndex int
    Offset       uint


As the cairo memory can hold both felts and relocatables, we need a data type that can represent both in order to represent a basic memory unit. We would normally use enums or unions to represent this type, but as go lacks both, we will instead hold a non-typed inner value and rely on the api to make sure we can only create MaybeRelocatable values with either Felt or Relocatable as inner type.

type MaybeRelocatable struct {
    inner any

// Creates a new MaybeRelocatable with an Int inner value
func NewMaybeRelocatableInt(felt uint) *MaybeRelocatable {
    return &MaybeRelocatable{inner: Int{felt}}

// Creates a new MaybeRelocatable with a Relocatable inner value
func NewMaybeRelocatableRelocatable(relocatable Relocatable) *MaybeRelocatable {
    return &MaybeRelocatable{inner: relocatable}

We will also add some methods that will allow us access MaybeRelocatable inner values:

// If m is Int, returns the inner value + true, if not, returns zero + false
func (m *MaybeRelocatable) GetInt() (Int, bool) {
    int, is_type := m.inner.(Int)
    return int, is_type

// If m is Relocatable, returns the inner value + true, if not, returns zero + false
func (m *MaybeRelocatable) GetRelocatable() (Relocatable, bool) {
    rel, is_type := m.inner.(Relocatable)
    return rel, is_type

These will allow us to safely discern between Felt and Relocatable values later on.

MaybeRelocatable Operations

Introducing the MaybeRelocatable type means we will have to handle various arithmetic operations between Relocatable, Felt and MaybeRelocatable types. We will start by implementing Add and Sub operations for the Relocatable type:


Addition between Relocatable values is not supported, so we don't implement it.


This method adds a Felt value to the relocatable's offset by first converting the relocatable's offset to a Felt, performing felt addition between the offset and the felt value, and then converting the new offset to a uint value. This method returns an error if the new offset exceeds the size of a uint.

// Adds a Felt value to a Relocatable
// Fails if the new offset exceeds the size of a uint
func (r *Relocatable) AddFelt(other lambdaworks.Felt) (Relocatable, error) {
 new_offset_felt := lambdaworks.FeltFromUint64(uint64(r.Offset)).Add(other)
 new_offset, err := new_offset_felt.ToU64()
 if err != nil {
  return *r, err
 return NewRelocatable(r.SegmentIndex, uint(new_offset)), nil

This method returns the distance between two relocatable values. It can only be performed between to relocatables of the same segment (aka relocatables with the same segment index), and it returns the difference between their offsets as a uint value. It fails if the segment indexes differ or if the difference would yield a negative value

// Returns the distance between two relocatable values (aka the difference between their offsets)
// Fails if they have different segment indexes or if the difference is negative
func (r *Relocatable) Sub(other Relocatable) (uint, error) {
 if r.SegmentIndex != other.SegmentIndex {
  return 0, errors.New("Cant subtract two relocatables with different segment indexes")
 if r.Offset < other.Offset {
  return 0, errors.New("Relocatable subtraction yields relocatable with negative offset")
 return r.Offset - other.Offset, nil

This method subtracts a Felt value to the relocatable's offset by first converting the relocatable's offset to a Felt, performing felt subtraction between the offset and the felt value, and then converting the new offset to a uint value. This method returns an error if the new offset is negative or exceeds the size of a uint.

// Substracts a Felt value from a Relocatable
// Performs the initial substraction considering the offset as a Felt
// Fails if the new offset exceeds the size of a uint
func (r *Relocatable) SubFelt(other lambdaworks.Felt) (Relocatable, error) {
 new_offset_felt := lambdaworks.FeltFromUint64(uint64(r.Offset)).Sub(other)
 new_offset, err := new_offset_felt.ToU64()
 if err != nil {
  return *r, err
 return NewRelocatable(r.SegmentIndex, uint(new_offset)), nil

Now lets look at the operations between MaybeRelocatables:


There are four different cases to consider when adding two MaybeRelocatable values:

  1. Both values are Felt: We perform felt addition
  2. Both values are Relocatable: This operation is not supported so we return an error
  3. First value is Felt and other in Relocatable: This operation is not supported so we return an error
  4. First value is Relocatable and other is Felt: We call Relocatable.AddFelt
func (m MaybeRelocatable) Add(other MaybeRelocatable) (MaybeRelocatable, error) {
 // check if they are felt
 m_int, m_is_int := m.GetFelt()
 other_int, other_is_int := other.GetFelt()

 if m_is_int && other_is_int {
  result := NewMaybeRelocatableFelt(m_int.Add(other_int))
  return *result, nil

 // check if one is relocatable and the other int
 m_rel, is_rel_m := m.GetRelocatable()
 other_rel, is_rel_other := other.GetRelocatable()

 if is_rel_m && !is_rel_other {
  other_felt, _ := other.GetFelt()
  relocatable, err := m_rel.AddFelt(other_felt)
  if err != nil {
   return *NewMaybeRelocatableFelt(lambdaworks.FeltZero()), err
  return *NewMaybeRelocatableRelocatable(relocatable), nil

 } else if !is_rel_m && is_rel_other {

  m_felt, _ := m.GetFelt()
  relocatable, err := other_rel.AddFelt(m_felt)
  if err != nil {
   return *NewMaybeRelocatableFelt(lambdaworks.FeltZero()), err
  return *NewMaybeRelocatableRelocatable(relocatable), nil
 } else {
  return *NewMaybeRelocatableFelt(lambdaworks.FeltZero()), errors.New("RelocatableAdd")

There are four different cases to consider when adding two MaybeRelocatable values:

  1. Both values are Felt: We perform felt subtraction
  2. Both values are Relocatable: We call Relocatable.Sub
  3. First value is Felt and other in Relocatable: This operation is not supported so we return an error
  4. First value is Relocatable and other is Felt: We call Relocatable.SubFelt
func (m MaybeRelocatable) Sub(other MaybeRelocatable) (MaybeRelocatable, error) {
 // check if they are felt
 m_int, m_is_int := m.GetFelt()
 other_felt, other_is_felt := other.GetFelt()

 if m_is_int && other_is_felt {
  result := NewMaybeRelocatableFelt(m_int.Sub(other_felt))
  return *result, nil

 // check if one is relocatable and the other int
 m_rel, is_rel_m := m.GetRelocatable()
 other_rel, is_rel_other := other.GetRelocatable()

 if is_rel_m && !is_rel_other {
  relocatable, err := m_rel.SubFelt(other_felt)
  if err != nil {
   return *NewMaybeRelocatableFelt(lambdaworks.FeltZero()), err
  return *NewMaybeRelocatableRelocatable(relocatable), nil

 } else if is_rel_m && is_rel_other {
  offset_diff, err := m_rel.Sub(other_rel)
  if err != nil {
   return *NewMaybeRelocatableFelt(lambdaworks.FeltZero()), err
  return *NewMaybeRelocatableFelt(lambdaworks.FeltFromUint64(uint64(offset_diff))), nil
 } else {
  return *NewMaybeRelocatableFelt(lambdaworks.FeltZero()), errors.New("Cant sub Relocatable from Felt")


As we previously described, the memory is made up of a series of segments of variable length, each containing a continuous sequence of MaybeRelocatable elements. Memory is also immutable, which means that once we have written a value into memory, it can't be changed. There are multiple valid ways to represent this memory structure, but the simplest way to represent it is by using a map, maping a Relocatable address to a MaybeRelocatable value. As we don't have an actual representation of segments, we have to keep track of the number of segments.

type Memory struct {
    data         map[Relocatable]MaybeRelocatable
    num_segments uint

Now we can define the basic memory operations:


Here we need to make perform some checks to make sure that the memory remains consistent with its rules:

  • We must check that insertions are performed on previously-allocated segments, by checking that the address's segment_index is lower than our segment counter
  • We must check that we are not mutating memory we have previously written, by checking that the memory doesn't already contain a value at that address that is not equal to the one we are inserting
func (m *Memory) Insert(addr Relocatable, val *MaybeRelocatable) error {
    // Check that insertions are preformed within the memory bounds
    if addr.segmentIndex >= int(m.num_segments) {
        return errors.New("Error: Inserting into a non allocated segment")

    // Check for possible overwrites
    prev_elem, ok := m.data[addr]
    if ok && prev_elem != *val {
        return errors.New("Memory is write-once, cannot overwrite memory value")

    m.data[addr] = *val

    return nil

This is the easiest operation, as we only need to fetch the value from our map:

// Gets some value stored in the memory address `addr`.
func (m *Memory) Get(addr Relocatable) (*MaybeRelocatable, error) {
    value, ok := m.data[addr]

    if !ok {
        return nil, errors.New("Memory Get: Value not found")

    return &value, nil


In our Memory implementation, it looks like we need to have segments allocated before performing any valid memory operation, but we can't do so from the Memory api. To do so, we need to use the MemorySegmentManager. The MemorySegmentManager is in charge of creating new segments and calculating their size during the relocation process, it has the following structure:

type MemorySegmentManager struct {
    segmentSizes map[uint]uint
    Memory       Memory

And the following methods:

Add Segment

As we are using a map, we dont have to allocate memory for the new segment, so we only have to raise our segment counter and return the first address of the new segment:

func (m *MemorySegmentManager) AddSegment() Relocatable {
    ptr := Relocatable{int(m.Memory.num_segments), 0}
    m.Memory.num_segments += 1
    return ptr
Load Data

This method inserts a contiguous array of values starting from a certain addres in memory, and returns the next address after the inserted values. This is useful when inserting the program's instructions in memory. In order to perform this operation, we only need to iterate over the array, inserting each value at the address indicated by ptr while advancing the ptr with each iteration and then return the final ptr.

func (m *MemorySegmentManager) LoadData(ptr Relocatable, data *[]MaybeRelocatable) (Relocatable, error) {
    for _, val := range *data {
        err := m.Memory.Insert(ptr, &val)
        if err != nil {
            return Relocatable{0, 0}, err
        ptr.offset += 1
    return ptr, nil


The RunContext keeps track of the vm's registers. Cairo VM only has 3 registers:

  • The program counter Pc, which points to the next instruction to be executed.
  • The allocation pointer Ap, pointing to the next unused memory cell.
  • The frame pointer Fp, pointing to the base of the current stack frame. When a new function is called, Fp is set to the current Ap value. When the function returns, Fp goes back to its previous value.

We can represent it like this:

type RunContext struct {
    Pc memory.Relocatable
    Ap memory.Relocatable
    Fp memory.Relocatable


With all of these types and structures defined, we can build our VM:

type VirtualMachine struct {
    RunContext     RunContext
    currentStep    uint
    Segments       memory.MemorySegmentManager

To begin coding the basic execution functionality of our VM, we only need these basic fields, we will be adding more fields as we dive deeper into this guide.

Instruction Decoding and Execution

[TODO for Execution: Introduction, ComputeOperands]

Run instruction


Compute operands

Once the instruction has been decoded, it is executed by RunInstruction whose first function is to compute operands. This function is in charge of calculating the addresses of the operands and fetching them from memory. If the function could not fetch the operands then they are deduced from the other operands, taking in consideration what kind of opcode is being executed.

func (vm *VirtualMachine) ComputeOperands(instruction Instruction) (Operands, error) {
	var res *memory.MaybeRelocatable

	dst_addr, err := vm.RunContext.ComputeDstAddr(instruction)
	if err != nil {
		return Operands{}, errors.New("FailedToComputeDstAddr")
	dst, _ := vm.Segments.Memory.Get(dst_addr)

	op0_addr, err := vm.RunContext.ComputeOp0Addr(instruction)
	if err != nil {
		return Operands{}, fmt.Errorf("FailedToComputeOp0Addr: %s", err)
	op0, _ := vm.Segments.Memory.Get(op0_addr)

	op1_addr, err := vm.RunContext.ComputeOp1Addr(instruction, op0)
	if err != nil {
		return Operands{}, fmt.Errorf("FailedToComputeOp1Addr: %s", err)
	op1, _ := vm.Segments.Memory.Get(op1_addr)

	if op0 == nil {
		deducedOp0, deducedRes, err := vm.DeduceOp0(&instruction, dst, op1)
		if err != nil {
			return Operands{}, err
		op0 = deducedOp0
		if op0 != nil {
			vm.Segments.Memory.Insert(op0_addr, op0)
		res = deducedRes

	if op1 == nil {
		deducedOp1, deducedRes, err := vm.DeduceOp1(instruction, dst, op0)
		if err != nil {
			return Operands{}, err
		op1 = deducedOp1
		if op1 != nil {
			vm.Segments.Memory.Insert(op1_addr, op1)
		if res == nil {
			res = deducedRes

	if res == nil {
		res, err = vm.ComputeRes(instruction, *op0, *op1)

		if err != nil {
			return Operands{}, err

	if dst == nil {
		deducedDst := vm.DeduceDst(instruction, res)
		dst = deducedDst
		if dst != nil {
			vm.Segments.Memory.Insert(dst_addr, dst)

	operands := Operands{
		Dst: *dst,
		Op0: *op0,
		Op1: *op1,
		Res: res,
	return operands, nil

The method ComputeDstAddr computes the address of the value that will be stored in the Destination (dst) operand. It checks which register its is relative to (wether ap or fp) and gets the direction by adding the instruction's first offset(off0) to the corresponding register.

func (run_context RunContext) ComputeDstAddr(instruction Instruction) (memory.Relocatable, error) {
	var base_addr memory.Relocatable
	switch instruction.DstReg {
	case AP:
		base_addr = run_context.Ap
	case FP:
		base_addr = run_context.Fp

	if instruction.Off0 < 0 {
		return base_addr.SubUint(uint(math.Abs(float64(instruction.Off0))))
	} else {
		return base_addr.AddUint(uint(instruction.Off0))


This method is similar to ComputeDstAddr but it uses the instruction second offset (off1) to add to the selected register (ap or fp)

func (run_context RunContext) ComputeOp0Addr(instruction Instruction) (memory.Relocatable, error) {
	var base_addr memory.Relocatable
	switch instruction.Op0Reg {
	case AP:
		base_addr = run_context.Ap
	case FP:
		base_addr = run_context.Fp

	if instruction.Off1 < 0 {
		return base_addr.SubUint(uint(math.Abs(float64(instruction.Off1))))
	} else {
		return base_addr.AddUint(uint(instruction.Off1))

It computes the address of Op1 based on the Op0 operand and the kind of Address the instruction has for Op1.

  • If its address is Op1SrcFp it calculates the direction from Fp register.
  • if it is Op1SrcAp then if calculates it if from Ap register.
  • If it is an immediate then checks if the offset 2 is 1 and calculates it from the Pc.
  • If it is an Op1SrcOp0 it checks the Op0 and calculates the direction from it.

Then it performs and addition or a substraction if the Off2 is negative or positive.

func (run_context RunContext) ComputeOp1Addr(instruction Instruction, op0 *memory.MaybeRelocatable) (memory.Relocatable, error) {
	var base_addr memory.Relocatable

	switch instruction.Op1Addr {
	case Op1SrcFP:
		base_addr = run_context.Fp
	case Op1SrcAP:
		base_addr = run_context.Ap
	case Op1SrcImm:
		if instruction.Off2 == 1 {
			base_addr = run_context.Pc
		} else {
			base_addr = memory.NewRelocatable(0, 0)
			return memory.Relocatable{}, &VirtualMachineError{Msg: "UnknownOp0"}
	case Op1SrcOp0:
		if op0 == nil {
			return memory.Relocatable{}, errors.New("Unknown Op0")
		rel, is_rel := op0.GetRelocatable()
		if is_rel {
			base_addr = rel
		} else {
			return memory.Relocatable{}, errors.New("AddressNotRelocatable")

	if instruction.Off2 < 0 {
		return base_addr.SubUint(uint(math.Abs(float64(instruction.Off2))))
	} else {
		return base_addr.AddUint(uint(instruction.Off2))

The method deduces the value of Op0 if possible (based on dst and Op1). If Instruction's opcode is a Call Op0 is deduced by adding the instruction size to the program counter.

  • If it is an AssertEq then a second switch case is used to check what ResLogic is.
  • If it is ResAdd Op0 is deduced from the substraction of Op1 from Dst, if is is Resmul the Op0 is deduced from the division of Dst and Op1 (both felt values).
  • Otherwise op0 is nil.

The method also deduces res by using the value of dst

func (vm *VirtualMachine) DeduceOp0(instruction *Instruction, dst *memory.MaybeRelocatable, op1 *memory.MaybeRelocatable) (deduced_op0 *memory.MaybeRelocatable, deduced_res *memory.MaybeRelocatable, error error) {
	switch instruction.Opcode {
	case Call:
		deduced_op0 := vm.RunContext.Pc
		deduced_op0.Offset += instruction.Size()
		return memory.NewMaybeRelocatableRelocatable(deduced_op0), nil, nil
	case AssertEq:
		switch instruction.ResLogic {
		case ResAdd:
			if dst != nil && op1 != nil {
				deduced_op0, err := dst.Sub(*op1)
				if err != nil {
					return nil, nil, err
				return &deduced_op0, dst, nil
		case ResMul:
			if dst != nil && op1 != nil {
				dst_felt, dst_is_felt := dst.GetFelt()
				op1_felt, op1_is_felt := op1.GetFelt()
				if dst_is_felt && op1_is_felt && !op1_felt.IsZero() {
					return memory.NewMaybeRelocatableFelt(dst_felt.Div(op1_felt)), dst, nil

	return nil, nil, nil

The method deduces the value of Op1 if possible (based on dst and Op0) it also deduces res if possible.

  • If the instruction opcode is AssertEq a switch case is used to check what the ResLogic is.
  • If it is a ResOp1 then the value of op1 is equal to the dst operand.
  • If ResLogic is ResAdd op1 is deduced from the substraction of op0 from dst.
  • If it is ResMul op1 is deduced from the division of dst by op0,

In all the cases res is equal to dst. if none of the former cases apply then nil is returned.

func (vm *VirtualMachine) DeduceOp1(instruction Instruction, dst *memory.MaybeRelocatable, op0 *memory.MaybeRelocatable) (*memory.MaybeRelocatable, *memory.MaybeRelocatable, error) {
	if instruction.Opcode == AssertEq {
		switch instruction.ResLogic {
		case ResOp1:
			return dst, dst, nil
		case ResAdd:
			if op0 != nil && dst != nil {
				dst_rel, err := dst.Sub(*op0)
				if err != nil {
					return nil, nil, err
				return &dst_rel, dst, nil
		case ResMul:
			dst_felt, dst_is_felt := dst.GetFelt()
			op0_felt, op0_is_felt := op0.GetFelt()
			if dst_is_felt && op0_is_felt && !op0_felt.IsZero() {
				res := memory.NewMaybeRelocatableFelt(dst_felt.Div(op0_felt))
				return res, dst, nil
	return nil, nil, nil

If the Res value has not been deduced in the previous steps then it is computed based on the Op0 and Op1 values.

  • If ResLogic is ResOp1 then res is equal to op1.
  • If it is ResAdd then res is deduced from the addition of op0 and op1.
  • If it is ResMul res is deduced from the multiplication of op0 and op1.
  • Otherwise res is nil.
func (vm *VirtualMachine) ComputeRes(instruction Instruction, op0 memory.MaybeRelocatable, op1 memory.MaybeRelocatable) (*memory.MaybeRelocatable, error) {
	switch instruction.ResLogic {
	case ResOp1:
		return &op1, nil

	case ResAdd:
		maybe_rel, err := op0.Add(op1)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		return &maybe_rel, nil

	case ResMul:
		num_op0, m_type := op0.GetFelt()
		num_op1, other_type := op1.GetFelt()
		if m_type && other_type {
			result := memory.NewMaybeRelocatableFelt(num_op0.Mul(num_op1))
			return result, nil
		} else {
			return nil, errors.New("ComputeResRelocatableMul")

	case ResUnconstrained:
		return nil, nil
	return nil, nil

If the destination value has not been calculated before then it is deduced based on the Res operand. If the opcode is an AssertEq then dst is equal res. If it is a Call then its value is taken from the Fp register

func (vm *VirtualMachine) DeduceDst(instruction Instruction, res *memory.MaybeRelocatable) *memory.MaybeRelocatable {
	switch instruction.Opcode {
	case AssertEq:
		return res
	case Call:
		return memory.NewMaybeRelocatableRelocatable(vm.RunContext.Fp)

	return nil

Opcode assertions

Once we have the instruction's operands to work with, we have to ensure the correctness of them. The first thing we need to differentiate is which type of instruction are we running, we do this by looking at the instruction's opcode.

The posible opcodes we want to perform assertions on are:

  1. AssertEq instruction
  2. Call instruction

In the first option, we need to ensure the result operand is not null (nil in this case) and also that the result operand is equal to the dst operand. If any of those things fail, we throw an error.

On the other hand, the Call instruction, what we do first is define our return pc register, we do that adding the size of the instruction to the current pc. Then, we check our operand op0 is equal to the return pc and our dst operand is the same as the return fp register. If any of those things fail, we throw an error.

If this method returns a nil error, it means operands were computed correctly and we are good to go!

func (vm *VirtualMachine) OpcodeAssertions(instruction Instruction, operands Operands) error {
    switch instruction.Opcode {
    case AssertEq:
        if operands.Res == nil {
            return &VirtualMachineError{"UnconstrainedResAssertEq"}
        if !operands.Res.IsEqual(&operands.Dst) {
            return &VirtualMachineError{"DiffAssertValues"}
    case Call:
        new_rel, err := vm.RunContext.Pc.AddUint(instruction.Size())
        if err != nil {
            return err
        returnPC := memory.NewMaybeRelocatableRelocatable(new_rel)

        if !operands.Op0.IsEqual(returnPC) {
            return &VirtualMachineError{"CantWriteReturnPc"}

        returnFP := vm.RunContext.Fp
        dstRelocatable, _ := operands.Dst.GetRelocatable()
        if !returnFP.IsEqual(&dstRelocatable) {
            return &VirtualMachineError{"CantWriteReturnFp"}

    return nil

Updating Registers

After we succesfully computed the value of the operands, it's now time to update the value of the registers, we will update each register according to the PcUpdate, ApUpdate and FpUpdate fields of the instruction respectively.


As we already know, the pc (program counter) points to the next instruction in memory. When no jumps take place, the pc is updated to point to the next instruction by adding the instruction size to it. The instruction size is 1 if there is no immediate value, and 2 if there is an immediate value following the instruction. Cairo also supports 3 different types of jumps. The first one is a regular jump, in which the pc takes the value of the res operand. The next one is a relative jump, in which the pc advances by a number of positions set by the res operand. And the last one is a jump not zero, which performs a relative jump, advancing the number of positions given by op1, if the value of the dst operand is not zero, or performs a regular update if the value of the dst operand is zero. The operand will only be zero if it is a Felt value which is zero, relocatable values are never zero.

// Updates the value of PC according to the executed instruction
func (vm *VirtualMachine) UpdatePc(instruction *Instruction, operands *Operands) error {
    switch instruction.PcUpdate {
    case PcUpdateRegular:
        vm.RunContext.Pc.Offset += instruction.Size()
    case PcUpdateJump:
        if operands.Res == nil {
            return errors.New("Res.UNCONSTRAINED cannot be used with PcUpdate.JUMP")
        res, ok := operands.Res.GetRelocatable()
        if !ok {
            return errors.New("An integer value as Res cannot be used with PcUpdate.JUMP")
        vm.RunContext.Pc = res
    case PcUpdateJumpRel:
        if operands.Res == nil {
            return errors.New("Res.UNCONSTRAINED cannot be used with PcUpdate.JUMP_REL")
        res, ok := operands.Res.GetFelt()
        if !ok {
            return errors.New("A relocatable value as Res cannot be used with PcUpdate.JUMP_REL")
        new_pc, err := vm.RunContext.Pc.AddFelt(res)
        if err != nil {
            return err
        vm.RunContext.Pc = new_pc
    case PcUpdateJnz:
        if operands.Dst.IsZero() {
            vm.RunContext.Pc.Offset += instruction.Size()
        } else {
            new_pc, err := vm.RunContext.Pc.AddMaybeRelocatable(operands.Op1)
            if err != nil {
                return err
            vm.RunContext.Pc = new_pc

    return nil

Some auxiliary methods were added for this method:


Returns 1 if the instruction has no immediate value or 2 if it has. We can tell that an instruction has an immediate value if the op1 address is given by the immediate value.

func (i *Instruction) Size() uint {
    if i.Op1Addr == Op1SrcImm {
        return 2
    return 1

Returns true if the value is a Felt that is zero, returns false otherwise

    func (m *MaybeRelocatable) IsZero() bool {
    felt, is_int := m.GetFelt()
    return is_int && felt.IsZero()

As we already know, the fp (frame pointer) points to the frame of the current function. It can be updated in 4 different ways. A regular fp update means no changes to the fp register. An ap plus 2 update consists on asigning the value of ap to fp and increasing it's offset by two (note: in the code below we only assign the offset, as fp and ap live on the execution segment and therefore have the same segment index). A dst fp update consists in performing either a direct or relative jump based on the value of the dst operand. If dst is a relocatable, fp will take the value of dst, if dst is a felt, fp's offset will be increased by the amount given by dst

// Updates the value of FP according to the executed instruction
func (vm *VirtualMachine) UpdateFp(instruction *Instruction, operands *Operands) error {
    switch instruction.FpUpdate {
    case FpUpdateAPPlus2:
        vm.RunContext.Fp.Offset = vm.RunContext.Ap.Offset + 2
    case FpUpdateDst:
        rel, ok := operands.Dst.GetRelocatable()
        if ok {
            vm.RunContext.Fp = rel
        } else {
            felt, _ := operands.Dst.GetFelt()
            new_fp, err := vm.RunContext.Fp.AddFelt(felt)
            if err != nil {
                return err
            vm.RunContext.Fp = new_fp
    return nil

And lastly, the ap register points to the next unsused memory cell and has 4 types of update. A regular ap update means no changes to the ap register. An add update consists on advancing the ap register by the amount given by res. And the add1 and add2 updates consist on advancing the op register by 1 and 2 respectively.

// Updates the value of AP according to the executed instruction
func (vm *VirtualMachine) UpdateAp(instruction *Instruction, operands *Operands) error {
    switch instruction.ApUpdate {
    case ApUpdateAdd:
        if operands.Res == nil {
            return errors.New("Res.UNCONSTRAINED cannot be used with ApUpdate.ADD")
        new_ap, err := vm.RunContext.Ap.AddMaybeRelocatable(*operands.Res)
        if err != nil {
            return err
        vm.RunContext.Ap = new_ap
    case ApUpdateAdd1:
        vm.RunContext.Ap.Offset += 1
    case ApUpdateAdd2:
        vm.RunContext.Ap.Offset += 2
    return nil

[TODO for Execution: Opcode Assertions, Run Instruction]


Now that can can execute cairo steps, lets look at the VM's initialization step. We will begin by creating our CairoRunner:

type CairoRunner struct {
    Program       vm.Program
    Vm            vm.VirtualMachine
    ProgramBase   memory.Relocatable
    executionBase memory.Relocatable
    initialPc     memory.Relocatable
    initialAp     memory.Relocatable
    initialFp     memory.Relocatable
    finalPc       memory.Relocatable
    mainOffset    uint

func NewCairoRunner(program vm.Program) *CairoRunner {
    mainIdentifier, ok := (*program.Identifiers)["__main__.main"]
 main_offset := uint(0)
 if ok {
  main_offset = uint(mainIdentifier.PC)
    return &CairoRunner{Program: program, Vm: *vm.NewVirtualMachine(), mainOffset: main_offset}


Now we will create our Initialize method step by step:

// Performs the initialization step, returns the end pointer (pc upon which execution should stop)
func (r *CairoRunner) Initialize() (memory.Relocatable, error) {
    end, err := r.initializeMainEntrypoint()
    return end, err


This method will create our program and execution segments

func (r *CairoRunner) initializeSegments() {
    // Program Segment
    r.ProgramBase = r.Vm.Segments.AddSegment()
    // Execution Segment
    r.executionBase = r.Vm.Segments.AddSegment()


This method will initialize the memory and initial register values to begin execution from the main entrypoint, and return the final pc

func (r *CairoRunner) initializeMainEntrypoint() (memory.Relocatable, error) {
    stack := make([]memory.MaybeRelocatable, 0, 2)
    return_fp := r.Vm.Segments.AddSegment()
    return r.initializeFunctionEntrypoint(r.mainOffset, &stack, return_fp)


This method will initialize the memory and initial register values to execute a cairo function given its offset within the program segment (aka entrypoint) and return the final pc. In our case, this function will be the main entrypoint, but later on we will be able to use this method to run starknet contract entrypoints. The stack will then be loaded into the execution segment in the next method. For now, the stack will be empty, but later on it will contain the builtin bases (which are the arguments for the main function), and the function arguments when running a function from a starknet contract.

func (r *CairoRunner) initializeFunctionEntrypoint(entrypoint uint, stack *[]memory.MaybeRelocatable, return_fp memory.Relocatable) (memory.Relocatable, error) {
    end := r.Vm.Segments.AddSegment()
    *stack = append(*stack, *memory.NewMaybeRelocatableRelocatable(end), *memory.NewMaybeRelocatableRelocatable(return_fp))
    r.initialFp = r.executionBase
    r.initialFp.Offset += uint(len(*stack))
    r.initialAp = r.initialFp
    r.finalPc = end
    return end, r.initializeState(entrypoint, stack)


This method will be in charge of loading the program data into the program segment and the stack into the execution segment

func (r *CairoRunner) initializeState(entrypoint uint, stack *[]memory.MaybeRelocatable) error {
    r.initialPc = r.ProgramBase
    r.initialPc.Offset += entrypoint
    // Load program data
    _, err := r.Vm.Segments.LoadData(r.ProgramBase, &r.Program.Data)
    if err == nil {
        _, err = r.Vm.Segments.LoadData(r.executionBase, stack)
    return err


This method will set the values of the VM's RunContext with our CairoRunner's initial values

func (r *CairoRunner) initializeVM() {
    r.Vm.RunContext.Ap = r.initialAp
    r.Vm.RunContext.Fp = r.initialFp
    r.Vm.RunContext.Pc = r.initialPc

With CairoRunner.Initialize() now complete we can move on to the execution step:


This method will continuously execute cairo steps until the end pc, returned by 'CairoRunner.Initialize()' is reached

func (r *CairoRunner) RunUntilPC(end memory.Relocatable) error {
 for r.Vm.RunContext.Pc != end {
  err := r.Vm.Step()
  if err != nil {
   return err
 return nil

Memory Relocation - function



Now that we are able to run a basic fibonacci program, lets step up our game by adding builtins to our VM. A builtin is a low level optimization integrated into the core loop of the VM that allows otherwise expensive computation to be performed more efficiently. Builtins have two ways to operate: via validation rules and via auto-deduction rules. Validation rules are applied to every element that is inserted into a builtin's segment. For example, if I want to verify an ecdsa signature, I can insert it into the ecdsa builtin's segment and let a validation rule take care of verifying the signature. Auto-deduction rules take over during instruction execution, when we can't compute the value of an operand who's address belongs to a builtin segment, we can use that builtin's auto-deduction rule to calculate the value of the operand. For example, If I want to calculate the pedersen hash of two values, I can write the values into the pedersen builtin's segment and then ask for the next memory cell, without builtins, this instruction would have failed, as there is no value stored in that cell, but now we can use auto-deduction rules to calculate the hash and fill in that memory cell.

We will define a basic interface to generalize all of our builtin's behaviour:

type BuiltinRunner interface {
    // Returns the first address of the builtin's memory segment
    Base() memory.Relocatable
    // Returns the name of the builtin
    Name() string
    // Creates a memory segment for the builtin and initializes its base
    // Returns the builtin's initial stack
    InitialStack() []memory.MaybeRelocatable
    // Attempts to deduce the value of a memory cell given by its address. Can return either a nil pointer and an error, if an error arises during the deduction,
    // a valid pointer and nil if the deduction was succesful, or a nil pointer and nil if there is no deduction for the memory cell
    DeduceMemoryCell(memory.Relocatable, *memory.Memory) (*memory.MaybeRelocatable, error)
    // Adds a validation rule to the memory
    // Validation rules are applied when a value is inserted into the builtin's segment

And now lets integrate this into our existing codebase:

First we will make some modifications to our basic structures:

We will add our builtin runners to the VM:

type VirtualMachine struct {
    RunContext     RunContext
    currentStep    uint
    Segments       memory.MemorySegmentManager
    BuiltinRunners []builtins.BuiltinRunner

Then we will create two new types to handle validation rules in the Memory:


This will represent our builtin's validation rules, they take a memory address and a referenece to the memory, and return a list of validated addresses, for most builtins, this list will contain the address it received if the validation was succesful, but some builtins may return additional addresses.

// A function that validates a memory address and returns a list of validated addresses
type ValidationRule func(*Memory, Relocatable) ([]Relocatable, error)

As go doesn't have a set type, we created our own really basic set for Relocatables. This will hold the values returned by the validation rules, so that we don't have to run them more than once for each memory cell.

// A Set to store Relocatable values
type AddressSet map[Relocatable]bool

func NewAddressSet() AddressSet {
    return make(map[Relocatable]bool)

func (set AddressSet) Add(element Relocatable) {
    set[element] = true

func (set AddressSet) Contains(element Relocatable) bool {
    return set[element]

And we will add them to our Memory stuct:

type Memory struct {
    data                map[Relocatable]MaybeRelocatable
    num_segments        uint
    validation_rules    map[uint]ValidationRule
    validated_addresses AddressSet

Now we only need to add a way to create this validation rules:

// Adds a validation rule for a given segment
func (m *Memory) AddValidationRule(segment_index uint, rule ValidationRule) {
    m.validation_rules[segment_index] = rule

And a method that runs validations on a memory address:

// Applies the validation rule for the addr's segment if any
// Skips validation if the address is temporary or if it has been previously validated
func (m *Memory) validateAddress(addr Relocatable) error {
    if addr.SegmentIndex < 0 || m.validated_addresses.Contains(addr) {
        return nil
    rule, ok := m.validation_rules[uint(addr.SegmentIndex)]
    if !ok {
        return nil
    validated_addresses, error := rule(m, addr)
    if error != nil {
        return error
    for _, validated_address := range validated_addresses {
    return nil

And we are all set to integrate this new logic into our Memory's Insert operation:

// Inserts a value in some memory address, given by a Relocatable value.
func (m *Memory) Insert(addr Relocatable, val *MaybeRelocatable) error {
    // Check that insertions are preformed within the memory bounds
    if addr.SegmentIndex >= int(m.num_segments) {
        return errors.New("Error: Inserting into a non allocated segment")
    // Check for possible overwrites
    prev_elem, ok := m.data[addr]
    if ok && prev_elem != *val {
        return errors.New("Memory is write-once, cannot overwrite memory value")

    m.data[addr] = *val

    return m.validateAddress(addr)

Now we will initialize the builtins from our CairoRunner:

NewCairoRunner (Builtins)

Here we will have to iterate over the Builtins field of the Program, and add the corresponding builtin to the VirtualMachine's BuiltinRunner field. We don't have any builtins yet, so we wil add a comment as placeholder and just leave a default case. As we implement more builtins, we will add a case for each of them.

func NewCairoRunner(program vm.Program) (*CairoRunner, error) {
    mainIdentifier, ok := (*program.Identifiers)["__main__.main"]
 main_offset := uint(0)
 if ok {
  main_offset = uint(mainIdentifier.PC)
    runner := CairoRunner{Program: program, Vm: *vm.NewVirtualMachine(), mainOffset: main_offset}
    for _, builtin_name := range program.Builtins {
        switch builtin_name {
        // Add a case for each builtin here, example:
        // case "range_check":
        //     runner.Vm.BuiltinRunners = append(runner.Vm.BuiltinRunners, RangeCheckBuiltin{})
            return nil, errors.New("Invalid builtin")
    return &runner, nil
InitializeSegments (Builtins)

Here we will also initialize the builtin segments by calling each builtin's InitializeSegments method

func (r *CairoRunner) initializeSegments() {
    // Program Segment
    r.ProgramBase = r.Vm.Segments.AddSegment()
    // Execution Segment
    r.executionBase = r.Vm.Segments.AddSegment()
    // Builtin Segments
    for i := range r.Vm.BuiltinRunners {

Here we will add the builtin's initial_stack to our stack. The builtin's initial_stack is generally made up of the builtin's base, and is what allows the main function to write into the builtin's segment.

func (r *CairoRunner) initializeMainEntrypoint() (memory.Relocatable, error) {
    // When running from main entrypoint, only up to 11 values will be written (9 builtin bases + end + return_fp)
    stack := make([]memory.MaybeRelocatable, 0, 11)
    // Append builtins initial stack to stack
    for i := range r.Vm.BuiltinRunners {
        for _, val := range r.Vm.BuiltinRunners[i].InitialStack() {
            stack = append(stack, val)
    return_fp := r.Vm.Segments.AddSegment()
    return r.initializeFunctionEntrypoint(r.mainOffset, &stack, return_fp)
initializeVm (Builtins)

Here we will add our builtin's validation rules to the Memory and use them to validate the meory cells we loaded before

func (r *CairoRunner) initializeVM() error {
    r.Vm.RunContext.Ap = r.initialAp
    r.Vm.RunContext.Fp = r.initialFp
    r.Vm.RunContext.Pc = r.initialPc
    // Add validation rules
    for i := range r.Vm.BuiltinRunners {
    // Apply validation rules to memory
    return r.Vm.Segments.Memory.ValidateExistingMemory()

For this we will add the method Memory.ValidateExistingMemory:

func (m *Memory) ValidateExistingMemory() error {
    for addr := range m.data {
        err := m.validateAddress(addr)
        if err != nil {
            return err
    return nil

Now we will dive deeper into how auto-deduction rules come into play during execution:

Before builtins, the basic flow for computing the value of an operand was to first compute its address, and then if we couldn't find it in memory, we would deduce its value based on the other operands. With the introduction of builtins and their auto-deduction rules, this flow changes a bit. Now we compute the address, use it to fetch the value from memory, if we can't find it in memory we try to use the builtin's auto deduction rules, and if we can't deduce it via builtins we will then deduce it based on the other operands's. But what does it mean to use the builtin's auto deduction rules to deduce the value of an operand?


This method will iterate over the builtin runners and try to find a builtin who's base's segment index matches the operand to be deduced's address. That is to say, it checks if the address belongs to a builtin's segment. If a match is found, it uses the builtin's DeduceMemoryCell method to run the builtin's auto-deduction rules and calculate the value of the operand

// Applies the corresponding builtin's deduction rules if addr's segment index corresponds to a builtin segment
// Returns nil if there is no deduction for the address
func (vm *VirtualMachine) DeduceMemoryCell(addr memory.Relocatable) (*memory.MaybeRelocatable, error) {
 for i := range vm.BuiltinRunners {
  if vm.BuiltinRunners[i].Base().SegmentIndex == addr.SegmentIndex {
   return vm.BuiltinRunners[i].DeduceMemoryCell(addr, &vm.Segments.Memory)
 return nil, nil

Now we have to integrate this new method into our VirtualMachine.ComputeOperands method:

We will add two helper methods to make our code easier to follow with these new additions: Both of these methods will be ran fetching either op1 or op0 respectively yields a nil value, and will try to deduce them using both builtins and normal deductions, returning an error if both of these attempts fail

// Runs deductions for Op0, first runs builtin deductions, if this fails, attempts to deduce it based on dst and op1
// Also returns res if it was also deduced in the process
// Inserts the deduced operand
// Fails if Op0 was not deduced or if an error arised in the process
func (vm *VirtualMachine) ComputeOp0Deductions(op0_addr memory.Relocatable, instruction *Instruction, dst *memory.MaybeRelocatable, op1 *memory.MaybeRelocatable) (deduced_op0 memory.MaybeRelocatable, deduced_res *memory.MaybeRelocatable, err error) {
 op0, err := vm.DeduceMemoryCell(op0_addr)
 if err != nil {
  return *memory.NewMaybeRelocatableFelt(lambdaworks.FeltZero()), nil, err
 if op0 == nil {
  op0, deduced_res, err = vm.DeduceOp0(instruction, dst, op1)
  if err != nil {
   return *memory.NewMaybeRelocatableFelt(lambdaworks.FeltZero()), nil, err
 if op0 != nil {
  vm.Segments.Memory.Insert(op0_addr, op0)
 } else {
  return *memory.NewMaybeRelocatableFelt(lambdaworks.FeltZero()), nil, errors.New("Failed to compute or deduce op0")
 return *op0, deduced_res, nil
// Runs deductions for Op1, first runs builtin deductions, if this fails, attempts to deduce it based on dst and op0
// Also updates res if it was also deduced in the process
// Inserts the deduced operand
// Fails if Op1 was not deduced or if an error arised in the process
func (vm *VirtualMachine) ComputeOp1Deductions(op1_addr memory.Relocatable, instruction *Instruction, dst *memory.MaybeRelocatable, op0 *memory.MaybeRelocatable, res *memory.MaybeRelocatable) (memory.MaybeRelocatable, error) {
 op1, err := vm.DeduceMemoryCell(op1_addr)
 if err != nil {
  return *memory.NewMaybeRelocatableFelt(lambdaworks.FeltZero()), err
 if op1 == nil {
  var deducedRes *memory.MaybeRelocatable
  op1, deducedRes, err = vm.DeduceOp1(instruction, dst, op0)
  if err != nil {
   return *memory.NewMaybeRelocatableFelt(lambdaworks.FeltZero()), err
  if res == nil {
   res = deducedRes
 if op1 != nil {
  vm.Segments.Memory.Insert(op1_addr, op1)
 } else {
  return *memory.NewMaybeRelocatableFelt(lambdaworks.FeltZero()), errors.New("Failed to compute or deduce op1")
 return *op1, nil

Now we integrate these two new methods into our previous ComputeOperands method:

func (vm *VirtualMachine) ComputeOperands(instruction Instruction) (Operands, error) {
 var res *memory.MaybeRelocatable

 dst_addr, err := vm.RunContext.ComputeDstAddr(instruction)
 if err != nil {
  return Operands{}, errors.New("FailedToComputeDstAddr")
 dst, _ := vm.Segments.Memory.Get(dst_addr)

 op0_addr, err := vm.RunContext.ComputeOp0Addr(instruction)
 if err != nil {
  return Operands{}, fmt.Errorf("FailedToComputeOp0Addr: %s", err)
 op0_op, _ := vm.Segments.Memory.Get(op0_addr)

 op1_addr, err := vm.RunContext.ComputeOp1Addr(instruction, op0_op)
 if err != nil {
  return Operands{}, fmt.Errorf("FailedToComputeOp1Addr: %s", err)
 op1_op, _ := vm.Segments.Memory.Get(op1_addr)

  var op0 memory.MaybeRelocatable
 if op0_op != nil {
  op0 = *op0_op
 } else {
  op0, res, err = vm.ComputeOp0Deductions(op0_addr, &instruction, dst, op1_op)
  if err != nil {
   return Operands{}, err

 var op1 memory.MaybeRelocatable
 if op1_op != nil {
  op1 = *op1_op
 } else {
  op1, err = vm.ComputeOp1Deductions(op1_addr, &instruction, dst, op0_op, res)
  if err != nil {
   return Operands{}, err
    if res == nil {
  res, err = vm.ComputeRes(instruction, op0, op1)

  if err != nil {
   return Operands{}, err

 if dst == nil {
  deducedDst := vm.DeduceDst(instruction, res)
  dst = deducedDst
  if dst != nil {
   vm.Segments.Memory.Insert(dst_addr, dst)

 operands := Operands{
  Dst: *dst,
  Op0: op0,
  Op1: op1,
  Res: res,
 return operands, nil

With all of our builtin logic integrated into the codebase, we can implement any builtin and use it in our cairo programs while worrying only about implementing the BuiltinRunner interface and creating the builtin in the NewCairoRunner function.

[Next sections: Implementing each builtin runner]
