
This is a new take on an old language: APL. The goal is to pare APL down to its elegant essence. This version of APL is oriented toward scripting within a Unix-style computing environment.

Primary LanguageC

Welcome to aplette
Aplette is a slimmed down, skinny APL interpreter derived from openApl.

On linux, you will need to install bison and libreadline.

For example, on Ubuntu:
    sudo apt-get install bison
    sudo apt-get install libreadline8 libreadline-dev bison

annoyingly, libreadline keeps getting renamed, with new numbers.
You may need to do something like the following to find the current
version of libreadline:

    apt list 2> /dev/null | egrep 'libreadline[0-9]/' 

On Windows, I have tested with cygwin only.  In your cygwin installation,
you will need to include gcc, gnu make, libreadline_devel, and bison.

To build:
	$> ./configure
	$> make

This will build the binary executable source/aplette.

You can test your installation as follows:
	$> cd qa
	$> make

aplette uses an ASCII/APL character mapping dubbed APL-touchtype.
The command ")font" will print the APL-touchtype characters in
tabular form.

If you can write APL with your eyes closed, you can use
APL-touchtype. "rho" is "R", "iota" is "I", etc. Trig is "O". Log is
"O@*". (APL-touchtype uses "@" instead of backspace, and with that trivial
substitution, all of the APL overstrikes become APL-touchtype ascii.)