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Canonical and the Software World

Marc Andreessen explained in the Wall Street Journal 11 years ago, “software is eating the world.”

Jeetu Patel continued in TechCrunch 6 years ago, “software is still eating the world.”

Every human endeavor is now touched by software. Business embraces software to deliver services and manage the enterprise. Software creates the online environment that intertwines our lives for work, communication, information, education, and entertainment. Technology created and driven by the encompassing tool of software permeates society. We are full speed in to the digital revolution over half the world’s population is now connected through the Internet. But we have only just begun to advance as a global civilization, living together hyper-connected in real time. All the challenges we face as people will encounter software in some form and will require software in addressing. Natural disasters, climate change, social problems, and even the implications of using technology, including disinformation, mass surveillance, and platform weaponization are only some of the issues we face. As always timing is crucial, now is the opportunity to invest our resources wisely for the benefit of all.

Although just a tool to run hardware, like any tool software is built by people for people. The Linux kernel is FOSS and the basis for all Linux distributions. That means it is free to run, copy, study, change, and share. Software for everyone, everywhere, all the time with no restrictions. The free software hacker culture has led the way for liberty and equality in the free and open-source software movement. Mark Shuttleworth founded Ubuntu and Canonical, to build upon the fruits of FOSS from the Debian Operating System and provide a great user experience. This innovation to give back while improving and giving away freely has benefited the users and Canonical itself. Canonical is dedicated to continue building upon open source and poised to provide their great user experience for the enterprise, developers, and the worldwide community.

Canonical is a smart investment on many levels. Providing FOSS software is a minor cost for something that gives back again and again with no restrictions. Canonical is not just an investment into humanity and the future of open source. The products and services that Canonical offers benefit society, but also help Canonical to continue offering these great products and services as a company. Canonical follows their own tradition of providing exceptional quality and value to open source software. This is the type of software running (not just eating) the world. The current generation of technology and software is being built with Linux and open source which is more important than ever, evidenced by IBM acquiring Red Hat in one of the largest deals in the history of U.S. Tech and prior to that the sale of SUSE one of the oldest open source companies offering enterprise Linux service. Software is not only big business; it is shaping the way organizations function.

Embracing the software ethos requires organizations to adapt to the “age of Agile”. Software is complicated and providing it properly is hard, organizations struggle to keep up with the changes. But why should they go about it alone when there is so much help out there? Who better to assist this transformation than an open source company with a reputation of service that is the epitome of this movement? Support, consultancy, and training is available to provide software services built upon industry standards from a company that is actively participating in the development of the standards. Organizations can tap the expertise of Canonical while maintaining control and deciding their level of involvement in providing their own infrastructure services. With professionals handling the crucial underpinnings running their systems, organizations are free to concentrate on their core competency by providing value through software. Successful organizations provide tangible benefits to society. Canonical and the Software World are synonymous to this success.