Author: Greg Froese Email: A simple sports pool written on the Silk framework. ============ INSTALLATION ============= You'll need to create a 'config' directory that houses your basic silk configuration. The default files in this directory are: routes.php: <?php use \silk\action\Route; Route::register_route("/logout", array( "controller"=>"default", "action"=>"logout" )); Route::register_route("/:controller/:action/:id/:subid"); Route::register_route("/:controller/:action/:id"); Route::register_route("/:controller/:action", array("id" => '' )); Route::register_route("/:component/:controller/:action/:id"); Route::register_route("/:component/:controller/:action", array("id" => '')); Route::register_route("/", array( "component" => "default", "controller" => "default", "action" => "index" )); // Build default routes Route::build_default_component_routes(); ?> setup.yml: #Database details database: # A Data Source Name (dsn) is a connection string of the form: # driver://username:password@hostname/databasename dsn: mysql://root:@localhost/cms_innodb prefix: silk_ #Should we be in debug mode? debug: false #Places to look for classes when autoloading class_autoload: - app/models