The idea of this project is to create a command line application that takes common 3D object file types (i.e. stl and obj), isolates faces (i.e. connected triangles on the same plane) and then produces a file with the outlines of these faces so that they can be cut of material using a laser wood cutter and then assembled in the real world.
Below are outlined the supported file formats for importing 3D model data.
Planning support for parsing ASCII STL files. TODO.
Initially this application will only be able to handle STL files saved in binary format.
Planning support for parsing OBJ files. TODO.
The idea is to output an SVG file with the outlines of each face of the object so that they can be cut out and assembled from different materials (i.e. paper, cardboard).
Edges will be labeled to aid in assembly.
Planning option to automatically modify edges to form interlocking patterns to aid in assembly of model once faces have been cut.
Output of object file is mostly for testing verification and debug.
Output of entire object verifies object was read in correctly.
Output of faces verifies that faces were isolated correctly.